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Yesterday, we had a successful vet visit for Kiska and Typhoon and we can now report sparkly clean teeth and more weight – all good news.
Yes, Miss Kiska, you did need your teeth and gums cleaned. Good dental hygiene helps to prevent infections – an important thing to avoid for an older . . . er, more experienced lady like yourself. Everyone promised to keep security tight while you were gone.
Typhoon traveled to the vet as well for an official weigh-in. His last weight was 44.2 (up from a low of 38.8) and we were hoping to break 45 pounds this visit. The scale bounced 44.9, 45.0, 44.9, 45.0 and then settled on 44.9. Maybe he should have had one more bite of breakfast, but at least he is continuing to eat and gain weight.
We decided to keep his medications at exactly the same level and keep working to add a few more pounds to him. He is determined to break 45 next time.
We received positive comments last week from including the Throwback Thursday video in our blog post – and not just in social media. Of course, this Throwback Thursday could have easily happened yesterday as a year ago.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: Woooooo, with all the weight Typhoon is gaining, maybe it’ll slow him down a bit in his games with the others. Maybe he won’t be able to keep up all those fast moves and tricky turns. Jus’ sayin’
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay gud job on the wayt gayn keep it up!!! beefkayk!!! beefkayk!!!!!!! and gud job on the sparkly toofees too yoo and kiska!!! hay that wuz sum gud ekskavayting wurk wot yoo guys wer dooing their in yore throwbak thursday!!! digging is not just for finding gofers am i rite??? ha ha ok bye
Good thing Typhoon’s fast. Cheese Whiz has to remind him who’s dominant, right?
Yea, Typhoon!
Flash those pearly whites Miss Kiska!!! Glad you and baby bro had great success at your appointments! Love the video ????
So glad Ms Kiska had a successful cleaning and that Typhoon is continuing to gain weight.
And love love love the Throw Back
Thursday video. I must say Frankie was clearly an architect in a previous life. Plus who could not love a game of bitey neck ,body slam ,race around!!!