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Typhoon is eating regularly and gaining weight, but the best part right now is his attitude toward meals – best described as dinner bell excitement.
Hu-Dad has dealt with many canine ailments and attitudes over the years, but Typhoon’s eating habits were the strangest he had ever seen. Some dogs don’t like eating certain things, but Typhoon was Hu-Dad’s first challenge dealing with a dog who did not want to eat – at all. Nothing was appetizing including raw meats and fish, various kibbles, canned foods, human foods, and treats.
Thanks to medications, we have moved so far beyond that to the point that Typhoon not only eats, but he is enthusiastic about the mere thought of eating. Hu-Dad says he likes the meal time happy dance.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom sez: It would be interesting to see what happens now, when you take him off the steroids — whether his appetite level drops down drastically again, or, maybe, just maybe he’s “grown into himself” now, and his appetite will stay stable. How long would it take the steroids to disappear from his system?
The last time we tried (a few weeks ago), he stopped eating and his weight began to crash. We have cut back one level already this round and will cut back another, but we are moving slower and letting him gain more weight first.
What has changed?
After Typhoon dropped to a dangerous 38 pounds, we added a steroid to rebuild his appetite. Our goal is to wean him off of the steroid over time (though the first attempt was not successful).
My sister had a collie who went through a period of not eating. He eventually learned to enjoy meals too.
Wow, that is great news. So happy for Typhoon and for Hu-Dad.
He looks it too! I go nuts when either Leena or the cat doesn’t want to eat for a day or two, can’t imagine what Typhoon was like.
Yea, Typhoon! Yea, Hu-dad!
This is so wonderful Typhoon ????????