News / Blog Posts

Boom Boom's Deep Thoughts.

Boom Boom’s Deep Thoughts

October 26, 2017 |

As the run was rising over the horizon yesterday morning, Hu-Dad noticed that Boom Boom was having deep thoughts for the day. Of course, the real question is what is he contemplating? How many times he should bounce through the yard? Exactly when will breakfast be served? Whether he should wrestle with his big brother, red…

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May I see your pass?

Security Chief Patrolling Chez Herd

October 25, 2017 |

After a couple of days of rest and relaxation, we are happy to report our Security Chief patrolling the grounds of Chez Herd once again. We thought we would share some photographic proof that Miss Kiska is quite mobile again.  She is happy to be outside and enjoying our return of sunshine. She even led…

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Thank you for your good thoughts.

How About Some Kiska Good News?

October 24, 2017 |

After a couple of scary and trying days, we are very happy to report some Kiska good news after a visit with our veterinarian. After a string of clear, autumn days, Mother Nature decided to throw some turbulent, stormy weather our way. Since Hu-Dad was still using the sling to protect Kiska if she fell,…

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Take advantage every day to enjoy the beauty around you.

Miss Kiska’s Sunday Afternoon

October 23, 2017 |

Considering where we started Saturday evening, Miss Kiska’s Sunday afternoon was positive. We share a complete update in today’s post. For background, check yesterday’s post, but the general backstory is that Miss Kiska lost complete use of her hind legs Saturday evening. We don’t have a cause identified yet, but the good news is that…

Read Today's Herd Story
Cold? You call this cold?

Long Night For Miss Kiska

October 22, 2017 |

A short note this morning explaining our long night with Miss Kiska (and explaining why our post did not go out at its usual time). Yesterday evening, we fed all of the canines and then fed the humans. Miss Kiska was performing her nightly patrol when she collapsed, losing all control of her rear legs.…

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Sometimes, you just have to zoom.

Sometimes You Have Just Gotta Zoom

October 21, 2017 |

Some days are perfect for strolling down a trail and soaking in the sights. Some days call out for naps. And, sometimes, you have just gotta zoom. Our streak of near perfect fall evenings continue, a slight chill in the air hinting at the winter to come. Lots of wrestling matches are taking place. Walks…

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Beautiful Autumn Evening

Beautiful Autumn Evening – Film Friday

October 20, 2017 |

We had an absolutely beautiful autumn evening, perfect for some time in the yard of Sibe Quentin – and for creating a Film Friday. With cold morning temperatures and frost, we know that winter is just around the corner. The ski area has been testing snow guns and is ready to cover their mountain as…

Read Today's Herd Story
Cold? You call this cold?

Rolling Eyes At Youth Today

October 19, 2017 |

After seeing Cheesewhiz’s post yesterday, Kiska and Qannik laugh at the youth today and have a few words of wisdom to share. Cheesewhiz likes to play her senior card for special status, such as sleeping on the couch throughout a chilly day. But the REAL seniors of The Herd scoff at such an idea. Kiska…

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This couch is warm.

Cheesewhiz Celebration of Cold Weather

October 18, 2017 |

After a stretch of several warm weeks, we finally had some real cold weather descend on us for the last few days. Not everyone is happy. Cheoah would like doubters to be clear – she loves cold weather if snow is involved. But she sees no point in leaving her comfortable couch just for cold…

Read Today's Herd Story
The vet? Really, Hu-Dad?

Yesterday Was A Key Anniversary

October 17, 2017 |

Yes, we know we are a day late. Hu-Dad is terrible about remembering the exact date of any key anniversary – canine or human. A year ago yesterday, five of us rode in the Jeep on a day long excursion east of Raleigh and picked up the one and only Landon to come back home.…

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Hurry up, Little Brother. I am hungry.

The Cause Of A Dinner Delay

October 16, 2017 |

In the land of hungry Siberian Huskies, you get yelled at if you are the cause of a dinner delay. We have photographic proof. So that everyone can eat at their own pace without fear of a neighbor coveting their dinner, we take our meals inside crates. But that means that every pup has to…

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Are you going to do it?

Trying To Explain the Unexplainable

October 15, 2017 |

As we are wrapping up our weekend S-RV trip, we are attempting to explain the unexplainable, though we don’t think we solved any mysteries. We like to keep our Hu-Dad guessing with all of our Siberian games and this weekend was no exception. The first mystery is one you have seen many times. The only…

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