Rolling Eyes At Youth Today

After seeing Cheesewhiz’s post yesterday, Kiska and Qannik laugh at the youth today and have a few words of wisdom to share.

I remember back in the day.

I remember back in the day.

Cheesewhiz likes to play her senior card for special status, such as sleeping on the couch throughout a chilly day. But the REAL seniors of The Herd scoff at such an idea. Kiska and Qannik spent the entire day outside, not once asking to come inside. They even refused when Hu-Dad offered. The cold air felt quite Siberian Husky to them.

Cold? You call this cold?

Cold? You call this cold?

In fact, Hu-Dad was sure he heard a lot of Siberian taunting going on. Little things like it used to snow more when I was kid and tales about walking to school – uphill – both ways.

Youth today just make me laugh.

Youth today just make me laugh.

Cheesewhiz would respond, but she says the couch is too comfortable.

We mentioned earlier this week that Landon is celebrating his First Gotchaversary with us, so our Throwback Thursday video has to be the very first film that he appeared in. Hope you enjoy “Welcome Landon.”

Tomorrow is Film Friday. Don’t forget to go to our YouTube channel and subscribe so you never miss a new video!


  1. Juno's mom on October 19, 2017 at 12:42 pm

    Landon really does have one of the prettiest husky tails I’ve seen. It looks like a fountain.

  2. Lori on October 19, 2017 at 6:56 am

    Ahhhh the good ol days….

  3. mizuno24 on October 19, 2017 at 4:54 am

    Ahhh youth today, they complain too much XD lol

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