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After a couple of scary and trying days, we are very happy to report some Kiska good news after a visit with our veterinarian.
After a string of clear, autumn days, Mother Nature decided to throw some turbulent, stormy weather our way. Since Hu-Dad was still using the sling to protect Kiska if she fell, that meant he got the joy of going outside in the driving rain with her – several times. Of course, she chose to accomplish the quick task each trip and save the more difficult task. So when we took off for her vet appointment, she wanted to be fully cooperative by providing a healthy sample for the fecal exam. Just a wee bit early. In Hu-Dad’s Jeep. Oops.
On the bright side, that particular test was all clear. More importantly, her blood work also came back normal, ruling out all of the nastiest possibilities for her episode Saturday night. A series of x-rays of her spine also ruled out scary possibilities and highlighted the most likely problem – some squeezing of the nerve. While it may sound dramatic, anyone who has ever “thrown their back out” knows exactly how debilitating sudden back pain can be. The reality is that something happened that caused a sudden shock – stepping in a hole, colliding with a certain Cotton Ball whose head is not as soft as his fur (Hu-Dad knows), or something similar – and she needed time to recover from it. The above picture shows that she is standing on her own and using her back legs. – a dramatic improvement from a total loss of back leg use Saturday night.
Miss Kiska had a laser treatment and started a regimen of drugs to combat chronic pain – treatments that have been quite successful for other members of The Herd. We will do a follow up exam later this week to determine if we are on the right course, but the general prognosis is quite good. We are all happy at the news – Miss Kiska most of all.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom ‘n Ebby both say: So happy to see you’re back on your paws again, and hope there’s no more episodes of that kind. Glad there’s nothing “out of the normal”, and you continue to improve.
Have you ever tried acupuncture with any of your canines? I know it’s used regularly on cats to great effect, and as a human who’s had acupuncture treatments over the past 25 years, I can attest to how helpful it can be. A good acupuncturist can make a HUGE difference. Which reminds me — we moved last year when my husband retired; now I need to find a new acupuncturist for myself!
And I’m a huge fan of massage, too. When I threw my back out many years ago, even the chiropractor couldn’t help — but his truly AMAZING massage therapist pulled the spasms out of my back with only two visits! After being incapacitated for a month, it was as if I’d never gotten hurt in the first place. Alternative treatments are the best, for humans and for canines!
Many pets and woofs to Kiska and the rest of the Herd from Melody the greyhound and Sebastian the cocker spaniel!
We used acupuncture for Queen Natasha. Kiska’s issues are newly discovered, so we are still working through all treatments.
We have found that laser treatment is extremely helpful.
My chiropractor & massage therapist have helped my back pain tremendously. Maybe there are some vet chiropractics & animal massage therapists in your part of the world. Waco, TX has a great massage therapist for doggies at Quail Creek Kennels. Why not load up the gang in the SibRV & come for a visit?
Happy to hear the good news and that she is doing better.
So happy to hear this news. Go Kiska.
Wooos from across the pond.
Khumbu, Kyra, Rita and Arko
So happy to learn the good news. It was great to rule out so many more serious issues. Your Hu-Dad and all your fans on this site were very scared for you. You are very loved and we all wish you the best. I know Hu-Dad is taking great care of you and you be careful. Best wishes.
Oh yay!! Her head out the jeep window is a pretty good indication she’s feeling better. (Having had a pinched nerve in my back that made my left arm useless, I can understand why it was so scary. A chiropractor fixed mine after a doctor tried putting me in a horse collar and some other medieval contraption.)
Wonderful news, so happy to hear it.
Such wonderful news! Continue healing Miss Kiska. Woo Wooos from California!❤????
So glad Kiska is doing better. Woo woos from Cheyenne ????????❤
That makes me so happy and yes I definitely know what it’s like to throw your back out. I have recently found out that my back is messed up from the neck down and have been doing a few things to help it along. Take it easy young lady. No more scaring everybody. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Now this is something I needed to see this morning before class! This has been nagging on me almost as if it was one of my animals!
She just wanted you to have a good clear sample … besides it’s not like she wanted you to watch her pooh.. this was her first privacy ..
We will continue sending prayers and healing energy.. and maybe hope of a softer head for a certain qtip
In a world full of bad news.. this is wonderful
Oh Miss Kiska this news just made my day!!!