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Considering where we started Saturday evening, Miss Kiska’s Sunday afternoon was positive. We share a complete update in today’s post.
For background, check yesterday’s post, but the general backstory is that Miss Kiska lost complete use of her hind legs Saturday evening. We don’t have a cause identified yet, but the good news is that Kiska had a much better Sunday. She has recovered a significant amount of use of her back legs, strong enough to walk on her own. Hu-Dad continues to support her with a sling because her balance is a little shaky, but she walks under her own power most of the time.
Her appetite is strong as is her interest in things going on around Chez Herd, both good signs of her mental and emotional strength.
For now, we are taking everything one day at a time, watching for any signs of relapse, doing basic medical tests to see if we can identify issues – but without going so invasive as to affect her quality of life. Until we know more, we can’t make any long-term prognosis or plan, but we celebrate every day her over eleven years of happy living here at Chez Herd – a drastic improvement over her early life.
Thank you everyone for your outpouring of good thoughts and wishes. We really appreciate the support as we search for answers and hope for positive results.
In the meantime, Miss Kiska has the best advice for a Monday morning:
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Praying that she continues to improve.
Good advice Kiska! Sending positive, healing thoughts.
Ourprayers and healing energy continues. I also wanted to add that many older dogs get wheelchairs for backend support (only two wheels it’s more an assist than a wheelchair) the re are some very good DYI videos you can make them yourself with supplies from your hardware store. And their quality of life is excellent there is a Facebook page for Team Leo, this lady owns A doggy daycare but she rescues boxers in various stages of DM they have excellent quality of life. Her spirit is strong and he has no pain, it most importantly she is adored
*hugs* Feel better Miss Kiska!
All paws continue to be crossed for Miss Kiska’s continued improvement.
Wishing continued improvement for Miss Kiska. So happy to hear that she is engaged in Sibe Quentin’ s happenings. Love her motto!
Big hugs , kisses, and cuddles precious Kiska ????????
Sending good thoughts.
My pa ck and I hope she continues to improve