News / Blog Posts

Traffic so thick. I can barely see in front of me.

Finding The Most Creative Passing Lane

November 19, 2017 |

When you find yourself in the back of the pack, sometimes you have to be quite creative in defining the fastest passing lane. Long time readers will no doubt think of the ever creative Rusty the Rooster after looking at the above photograph. Typhoon and Rusty never met, but since Ty joined us just a…

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Landon smiling from our camping adventure

Boom Boom’s Camping Adventure

November 18, 2017 |

We are off on a short S-RV excursion, so we thought we would let Boom Boom tell everyone about his camping adventure this weekend. We came over the mountains into Northeastern Tennessee / Southwestern Virginia. Once we got to the campground and parked the S-RV, The Herd loaded up into their limousine (aka, Hu-Dad’s Jeep…

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Little Prince Day

A Little Prince Day – Film Friday

November 17, 2017 |

Typhoon Phooey goes by many nicknames around Chez Herd, but none may be as appropriate as his royal suggestion – so we are having a Little Prince Day. The most difficult part of being royalty? The fact that mere peasants – like the Hu-Dad – dare touch you and insist on filming you. And then…

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Let's go, Cheesy!

Frustrating Redhead Conversations

November 16, 2017 |

Cheoah just wants to nap and Boom Boom just wants to play. Frustrating redhead conversations for Landon are the only result. Landon is certainly persistent in his attempts to persuade Cheoah to join in some Siberian games. Just like Frankie and Typhoon, he pesters and pesters until she decides to smack them down. But, sometimes,…

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Snoring Siblings Enjoy An Afternoon Nap

November 15, 2017 |

Our weather is continuing its back and forth autumn pattern and yesterday was cool and sunny – perfect for a pair of snoring siblings to nap. After going outside briefly yesterday morning, everyone wanted back inside to avoid the heavy hoar frost covering everything. Frost is not as much fun as snow. By mid-morning, Frankie…

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Are you calling me?

Dusk Dash – Delaying When Your Name Is Called

November 14, 2017 |

Hu-Dad stepped out to the porch and called us to come inside. Five of six of us complied right away, though someone did the dusk dash as the sun set. As the sun set and darkness fell, Hu-Dad called for us to come inside the house. He has these silly safety rules about insisting on…

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Don't you dare serve breakfast without me.

Incentive For Waking Up And Getting Moving

November 13, 2017 |

Typical fall weather – beautiful one day and back to rainy, foggy the next. And those dreary days don’t leave much incentive for waking up. Cheoah crawled out of bed Sunday morning and headed for the door. Once she saw the rain, clouds and fog, she turned around and headed for the couch. Everyone else…

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Clear Fall Sunny Senior Day

November 12, 2017 |

After a week of cloudy, foggy, gloomy weather, we had a break in the weather and a glorious clear fall sunny Senior day at Sibe Quentin. The seniors have increased their indoor napping time with the cold and rainy weather this week, but Saturday gave us lots of sunshine. Qannik and Kiska went back to…

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Abandoned! We were abandoned!

Just Call Me Unimpressed With Excuses

November 11, 2017 |

Hu-Dad’s Friday did not go exactly as planned, but certain members of The Herd were unimpressed with his excuses for the day. Hu-Dad had appointments with the vet. Well, actually, he had appointments to have his own eyes examined and then to get his flu shot, so they were with human vets. His ophthalmologist was called…

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No Fluff Frankie – Film Friday

November 10, 2017 |

A simple request for a Film Friday – our most reliable member of The Herd to do something he does every day – until No Fluff Frankie. Every single night – and we mean every night – Frankie Suave races to the human bed and fluffs the pillows and blankets to meet his requirements. With…

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Hu-Dad can't leave his desk

Foggy Day Causes Triple Trip Hazard

November 9, 2017 |

A thick fog settled over Chez Herd yesterday. We stayed gloomy all day long, so we decided to create a trip hazard for Hu-Dad. Yep, the black and white boys spread themselves out and napped while Hu-Dad worked. Cheoah, Kiska and Qannik took over their crates in the bedroom. The end result is that Hu-Dad…

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Oooooh - that looks good

Sampling Fresh Baked Goods At Chez Herd

November 8, 2017 |

Everyone who likes to cook knows that the best part of baking is sampling fresh baked goods in the kitchen. We happen to agree. Amazingly, we are not all allowed in the kitchen when cooking is happening. Some of us have a slight reputation for counter surfing – a violation once again of Hu-Dad’s many…

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