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Yep, another serious face.

Serious Face For A Serious Monday

June 11, 2018 |

We know, today is Monday and most of you are heading into work. Landon decided to show you his serious Monday face to help you through the day.

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Well, would you look at that?

Tasty Temptations For The Fluffy Mind

June 10, 2018 |

Hu-Dad spotted our fluffy Q-Tip staring into the field at some tasty temptations wandering outside the fence of Sibe Quentin.

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Frankie watching the big dog parade.

Big Dog Parade Gets Our Attention

June 9, 2018 |

Who doesn’t love a parade? A couple of members of The Herd were enthralled when a big dog parade marched past our house.

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Beware The Basement Burglar

June 8, 2018 |

A crime wave has broken out at Chez Herd. We have surveillance footage of a basement burglar making his escape without being caught!

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You better run, you bouncing bunny bandit.

Bouncing Bunny Bandits

June 7, 2018 |

Our Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is also a master rabbit hunter, and the bouncing bunny bandits certainly had his attention yesterday.

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One of my best hiding spots. So quiet.

Keep Your Hiding Spots Secret

June 6, 2018 |

In a large family with many siblings, keeping your hiding spots secret might be a challenge, but that might be your best option for peace and quiet.

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Frankie and his little brother, Typhoon - big brother's counsel

A Big Brother’s Counsel To His Sibling

June 5, 2018 |

Frankie Suave has done his best as the role model for his two younger brothers, though a big brother’s counsel might have gone unheeded at times.

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Oh, Hu-Dad, you are going to pay.

Emergency Exit Maintenance

June 4, 2018 |

As a master basement builder, Cheoah knows that safety features such as an emergency exit are critical – especially when you have little brothers.

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I spy some really big dogs.

I Spy With My Own Furry Eyes

June 3, 2018 |

Sibe Quentin is at the back of the house while Hu-Dad’s study is at the front of the house. That means we can spy different things.

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Mmmmmmm - peanut butter.

Qannik Is Going Bald (With A Little Help)

June 2, 2018 |

What is a giant cotton ball supposed to do when he has a bald spot? Qannik says “Eat Peanut Butter!” If that makes no sense, read on for an explanation.

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I am ignoring the thunder.

Rumbling Thunder Protection Protocol

June 1, 2018 |

Sporadic sunshine. No steady drumbeat of rain. A much better day than the last several, except when the rumbling thunder protection protocol had to be engaged.

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What did I see?

Bright Light At End Of Tunnel

May 31, 2018 |

After days (and days and days) of rain, we can see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Well, at least we caught a quick glimpse.

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