News / Blog Posts

A Junior Family Walk

Big Sis Little Bro Moment

August 10, 2018 |

Last night’s evening walk gave us a great big sis little bro moment and we still made it back to the house before the nightly thunderstorm hit.

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So, I'm done. I can go home, now?

Heavy Results From Typhoon’s Vet Visit

August 9, 2018 |

Typhoon visited the vet to treat a hot spot, check his weight, and some other tests. We share the heavy results from his day.

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Just call me talented.

Normal Backwards

August 8, 2018 |

Normal is very much in the eye of the beholder, so some might perceive normal as backwards from others. Especially if you are Typhoon.

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So what is so interesting out there?

Office Security Alert

August 7, 2018 |

Wrapping up his day of work in his study. Hu-Dad discovered an office security alert had been declared due to a passing threat.

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Hey, the Hu-Dad cut our grass.

Critics Among Us

August 6, 2018 |

Ever work really hard to get something done only to hear the critics find fault? Well, that happens even here at Chez Herd.

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Boom Boom is surprised to discover that water did not fall from the sky all day.

Sunshine Celebration At Chez Herd

August 5, 2018 |

Saturday wasn’t exactly a sunny day, but compared to the rest of our week, we declared a sunshine celebration here at Chez Herd.

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What is that bright light in the sky?

Brief Moment Of Sunshine At Chez Herd

August 4, 2018 |

The rains stopped for a while and we have a brief moment of sunshine here at Chez Herd. We all raced outside to enjoy the precious time.

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A Boomless Boom Boom

The Effects Of Four Inches Of Rain

August 3, 2018 |

Want to know the effect of four inches of rain on Chez Herd? Don’t trip over the sighing dogs sprawled in various spots around the house.

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Come on, Hu-Dad, it's just rain.

No Walk Face When Rain Interferes

August 2, 2018 |

Typhoon shares the official no walk face – that look the Hu-Dad gets when he tries to explain the rains are interfering with our regular walk.

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I wonder how long I can hold it and not go outside.

Stormy Weather Settles On Chez Herd

August 1, 2018 |

The next few days at Chez Herd are expected to be very wet thanks to some stormy weather drenching our region (and rattling Frankie).

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A Boom can squeak through the entire walk.

Walking Cheese Boom In The Neighborhood

July 31, 2018 |

Walks happen every night, but that doesn’t mean a Squawking and Walking Cheese Boom isn’t really excited to see it start every night.

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Green Bean Caper

July 30, 2018 |

Snarfing a blueberry loaf cake from a kitchen counter makes some sense, but Hu-Dad questions the green bean caper pulled off yesterday by Typhoon.

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