News / Blog Posts
Cheesewhiz Complaint: Brother Blocking
Cheesewhiz complained to the Hu-Dad yesterday of a problem she never expected—her brother blocking one of her favorite things.
Read Today's Herd StoryPaw Pleading
Oh, sure, the puppy dog eyes are quite effective in getting the humans to do canine’s bidding, but Landon demonstrates the paw pleading.
Read Today's Herd StoryWhispered Idea Blossoms Into Action
Don’t you love it when the smallest whispered idea blossoms into action? Roscoe sure does when he does his best to entice Typhoon into games.
Read Today's Herd StoryNew Couch Buddy
With the frigid temperatures gripping Chez Herd, Cheoah earned a new couch buddy to nap the day away in front of the fireplace.
Read Today's Herd StoryPost-Vacation Transition
After an RV week of sunshine and beach, we had to make the post-vacation transition back to cold, snow, and wintry weather.
Read Today's Herd StoryNormal Backwards
Just a little family walk at the beach and everything is perfectly normal – if you consider walking in reverse to be a normal backwards.
Read Today's Herd StorySliding Without Snow
Because of our S-RV trip, we are not home where the snow is, so we are having to improvise. Cheesewhiz is even sliding without snow.
Read Today's Herd StoryCheesewhiz Leading The Walks
Thirteen years old or not, Cheesewhiz leading the walks is the way things work in The Herd (and a confession where we are).
Read Today's Herd StoryMilling About
We paused during our walk yesterday, but it didn’t look like much of a pause because we kept milling about in general chaos.
Read Today's Herd StoryPlume Obstruction
Hu-Dad tried to capture a sweet moment between Landon and Roscoe yesterday, but a plume obstruction prevented a clear image.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon Plays A New Guy Prank
Anyone who has ever joined a team understands that they may be subjected to a new guy prank or two. Typhoon tries one on Roscoe.
Read Today's Herd StoryWalk With Distractions Everywhere
Poor Roscoe didn’t know which way to turn on yesterday’s walk with distractions everywhere, so he tried to do every direction.
Read Today's Herd Story