New Couch Buddy

With the frigid temperatures gripping Chez Herd, Cheoah earned a new couch buddy to nap the day away in front of the fireplace.

Cheoah napping in front of the fireplace.
Cheoah napping in front of the fireplace.

Cheoah long ago figured out the best place to spend the day on cold days—on the couch in front of the fireplace. She has the entire couch to herself, isn’t pestered by the antics of the boys around the house, and can snore the day away. To her surprise, she gained a new couch buddy with yesterday’s cold snap.

Frankie says this is nice.
Frankie says this is nice.

Don’t worry—two couches face each other and capture the warmth from the roaring fire. The only difference is that snoring was in stereo for the day.

As long as he stays on his side, it's acceptable to share.
As long as he stays on his side, it’s acceptable to share.


  1. Zoe on January 22, 2019 at 10:20 am

    Ok seriously it’s so cold I want to be on the sofa… not that I don’t have sofas and a fireplace but mine are full of dogs under blankets… so I need a nappy spot ????

  2. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on January 22, 2019 at 8:53 am

    A perfect snuggle kind of day!

  3. Jean Burkhardt on January 22, 2019 at 5:33 am

    How sweet and I don ‘t blame either Cheoah or Frankie. It WAS that kind of a day-to lie all snuggled in front of the roaring fire-each having their OWN couches to snore the day away!

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