Typhoon Plays A New Guy Prank

Anyone who has ever joined a team understands that they may be subjected to a new guy prank or two. Typhoon tries one on Roscoe.

Wow! Would you look at that?
Wow! Would you look at that?

During a walk yesterday, Typhoon spotted something really cool out in the water and decided he wanted one. But, since the Little Prince is not a big fan of sticking his paws into water, he needed a little help.

I've got an idea.
I’ve got an idea.

His solution was to enlist Roscoe in his game. Or, at least, play a new guy prank on Roscoe.

Just swim out and bring me a duck
Just swim out and bring me a duck


  1. Duane Donovan on January 15, 2019 at 8:55 am

    Typhoon has brush strokes!!!

  2. Terry (+Rory) on January 15, 2019 at 7:45 am

    Love the Grin on Typhoon????
    Never a dull moment at Chez Herd!!!

  3. Debbie on January 15, 2019 at 7:36 am

    Roscoe was too smart for that one Typhoon. He wanted you to lead the way!!

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on January 15, 2019 at 5:52 am

    Oh Typhoon-what a prankster you are and I know Roscoe DID NOT fall for your request! You have to remember that Roscoe adores his big bro!

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