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As the official timekeeper, Roscoe ensures Hu-Dad knows when it’s time for meals, walk, play, sleep, and the official end of the busyness day.
Somewhere under all that fur, Roscoe wears a watch. At least, Hu-Dad thinks so. After all, Roscoe is great at knowing when it is time for something. Hu-Dad knows if he is the recipient of this stare, he’s late for something. Or, at least, Roscoe thinks he’s late and that’s all that matters.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
It’s great to have a Siberian timekeeper. Ours knows exactly when dinner is supposed to happen and bedtime. How would we survive without these reminders?
It is hard to read a Siberian mind!! Ruby will pant and pace thru the house when she wants something. Fun times with Sibes.
The HokiePack watches must be on another time zone as they start screaming for dinner ard 3 and it is not served until 5!! Louder and louder 🤪
AAWW Hu-Dad-how great it is to have an official time keeper with a built in watch! I guess the most difficult thing is to know WHAT time he thinks it is. I know mealtimes must be easy(unless he thinks he deserves another snack) but what happens when you absolutely don’t KNOW what time it is???
Unfortunately, Hu-Dad does not speak perfect Siberian, so sometimes we have to get louder we he misunderstands. Louder and louder until he finally gets it.