The Meaning of Purvis

Why oh why do we call Roscoe Purvis? The secret is revealed (and it only requires a little knowledge of law enforcement in Hazzard County).

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You’re going to love this

Many dogs who have come to Chez Herd have required a name adjustment. Typhoon, for example, came to us named Ty, but the Hu-Dad likes two syllable names for clarity in a larger pack (a reader suggested the natural disaster name). Roscoe, however, came with his name and we never changed it. But how did Purvis get attached?

We're all waiting to hear this
We’re all waiting to hear this

We’ll warn youā€”this is obscure. In the TV show Dukes of Hazzard of the 70’s and 80’s, the Duke brothers’ nemesis was Hazzard County Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrain. And what did the P stand for? Why, Purvis, of course.

Don't bother me. I have squirrels to chase
Don’t bother me. I have squirrels to chase

Now for the real trivia. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrain did not first appear in Dukes of Hazzard any more than the Duke boys did. The popular TV show was based on a movie released several years earlierā€”Moonrunners starring James Mitchum and narrated by Waylon Jenningsā€”where the Dukes were a family of moonshiners. Bet you never saw that movie.


  1. Charlotte Dooley Anderson on March 24, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    I feel like Iā€™m under house ???? arrest. No church meetings, no choir rehearsal, no trips to the grocery store, no trips to the movies, ECT in Waco, Texas. Howā€™s life in your part of the woods? Luna says to tell The Herd ā€œhelloā€ for her. FYI: Luna is a black minipoo who is spoiled rotten!

  2. tammy j on March 24, 2020 at 12:20 pm

    Roscoe Purvis. yup. he does look like a sheriff on duty at times! šŸ™‚ xoxo

  3. Lori & Izzy Bear on March 24, 2020 at 8:58 am

    Love it!! Used to watch Dukes of Hazard all the time!!!

  4. Julie on March 24, 2020 at 8:36 am

    Good one! I cannot believe my husband didnā€™t get this one!! He drives me crazy with past TV trivia. Thanks for the fluffy distractions ????

    • Jim Frykman on March 24, 2020 at 9:07 am

      Waited to find out the answer. I did see that movie, stationed in Japan at that time and saw it off base

      • Terry+Rory on March 24, 2020 at 6:46 pm

        I think be you have moved too far south with those Northern Breed dogs :0

  5. Debbie and Ruby on March 24, 2020 at 8:19 am

    Good choice!! Never would have thought of that one.

  6. Jean Burkhardt on March 24, 2020 at 6:16 am

    I will admit to NOT seeing that movie-Hu-Dad! I am happy that you found a great attachment(aka Nickname) to Roscoe’s name!!! Good job.

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