Bird Watching Brothers

With our property bordering Huntington Marsh, we have an abundance of flying neighbors that fascinate our bird watching brothers.

Frankie sporting his stylish Thundershirt to ward off the noisy sky.
Frankie sporting his stylish Thundershirt to ward off the noisy sky.

With a low tide and a fresh rain, the birds were working hard to extract all sorts of tasty goodies from the muddy marsh floor. The birds are lots of fun to watch, both for canines and humans.

What you watching, big bro?
What you watching, big bro?

Frankie, with his maturity and suave personality, can stare for hours at a time, fascinated with the wildlife. His little brother, however, has a slightly shorter attention span.

Oh, look, a bug!
Oh, look, a bug!


  1. The Oceanside Animals on August 18, 2019 at 7:03 pm

    Charlee: “We like to watch birds too!”
    Chaplin: “Unfortunately we are only allowed to do it from the other side of the window.”

  2. Debbie and Ruby on August 15, 2019 at 6:18 pm

    The Sibes that I have known love to watch birds. You are cute in the thundershirt hope it works for you.

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on August 15, 2019 at 11:50 am

    Frankie-you are SO focused on those birds and so patient. I LOVE your thunder shirt-you look SO handsome! Your little brother though does not have the patience and chooses instead to go after bugs-lol!!! I LOVE that the herd NOW had so much NEW scenery to look at!

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