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We had our first scary wildlife encounter in Murrells Inlet and it made Typhoon and Roscoe jump sky high. See the dangerous creature in today’s post!
We were walking the greenway near the new house as we do a couple of times a day when Roscoe and Typhoon both jumped straight up in the air and scrambled backwards. Hu-Dad was quickly scanning the ground for a snake or alligator…but the attacker was much, much worse.
According to Typhoon and Roscoe, the attacking beast came racing from the underbrush, bared its fangs, and roared a warning at them to back away. For some odd reason, Hu-Dad was laughing hysterically and claimed they exaggerated the danger. We will leave it to you to decide, but will end with a photo of our two warriors returning to the barracks after the battle (well, returning to the air conditioning and soft beds).
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
TURTLE!!!!!!!!! TUR-TLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry. We’re normally calm and quiet around other animals, but not TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!
Cam and Mags
Just think of all the other “new” wild critters that will scare you guys. Always good for a daily laugh.
Walking rocks are pretty scary Hu-Dad!! ????????
my neighbors are thinking there is something strange coming from my apartment.
a woman laughing out loud presumably over nothing.
nothing but delightful days of Sibes living their delightful ordinary days through the eyes and magic of Hu-Dad! XOXO
Clearly you have not read about the deadly ninja tortoises that have plagued your area. Only by their swift acrobatics did they save Hudad from possible attack!!! After all we have all seen the documentary series Ninja Turtles (I think that was Donatello..)
Sabo the German Shepherd Attorney at Paw
We have those terrifying creatures here in PA. Denali the red head is very scared of them, of course he is also very afraid of pugs. They run in packs you know! ????. Watch out you never know when a rock will turn out to be on of those terrifying creatures!
Denali, Montana, Apollo, and Koyuk
Well done Mighty Warrior Beasts!!!!
How lucky for you to have encountered such a rare and vicious Beast. We have them here but they’re protected because so much off their habitat has been destroyed
Man that must have been terrifying. It looked very scary. So glad Hu-Dad was there to get you both back home after that enormous battle.
Sorry for laughing hysterically Roscoe and Typhoon…I can just picture it! The mid air jump, the Husky hair flying. Glad you 2 showed that scary, odd creature who’s boss!????????????????