When No One Is Watching

Sometimes, no matter how serious of a reputation you have, you need to act like a total puppy when no one is watching. Right, Typhoon?

Okay. The coast is clear. No one can see us.
Okay. The coast is clear. No one can see us.

Our Little Prince has a reputation to uphold. Everyone expects him to be curmudgeonly in his actions and never show the puppy within. But, sometimes, the weather is too nice, the grass is too cool, and the urge is to great. And then, you have to…

Wriggle in the grass like a little puppy.
Wriggle in the grass like a little puppy.

Fortunately, in a moment of abandon, Typhoon can be sure that no one was watching and no cameras were trained on him. After all, wouldn’t that be really embarrassing if such photos showed up on the internet.

Happy to get away with things when no one is watching.
Happy to get away with things when no one is watching.


  1. nicole tester on April 1, 2019 at 9:21 pm

    ???? He is hilarious!

  2. Jean Burkhardt on March 28, 2019 at 5:49 am

    Me too Typhoon-I won’t tell(But you are SO cute in the grass)!!

  3. Carol on March 28, 2019 at 3:03 am

    Your secret is forever safe with me, silly boy.

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