Cheesewhiz Spring

Even with some rain and fog over the last few days, we can feel the weather warming for the season. Our eldest is enjoying her Cheesewhiz spring.

Who? Me?
Who? Me?

Our thirteen year-old Cheoah has decided the weather is right to get up off the couch, especially since Hu-Dad doesn’t build a fire in the fireplace every day now. With temperatures above freezing once the sun rises, the yard feels quite comfortable even though the skiers are still skiing next door.

Cataloochee Ski still has plenty of snow on their trails and is running seven days a week for as long as they can.
Cataloochee Ski still has plenty of snow on their trails and is running seven days a week for as long as they can.

Now our first photo may have shown Miss Cheoah out in the yard by herself, but don’t worry—her security detail (in the form of a herd of little brothers) is always watching out for her. Little brothers might be a pain sometimes, but they are always watching out for their sis.

Landon watching Cheesewhiz and keeping her safe.
Landon watching Cheesewhiz and keeping her safe.

Put all the pieces together, and Miss Cheesy says this is a great time of year, maybe even for some zoomies.

A Cheesewhiz Spring zoomie.
A Cheesewhiz Spring zoomie.


  1. nicole tester on April 1, 2019 at 9:20 pm

  2. Catherine Kunze on March 27, 2019 at 4:49 pm

    Miss Cheoah you are looking very zoomie today! Gotta keep those brothers on their toes! You are such a regal lady!

  3. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on March 27, 2019 at 9:03 am

    How beautiful to see a CheeseWhiz zoomie ❤️

  4. Debbie Hallenbeck on March 27, 2019 at 7:20 am

    You are looking good Cheoah, ENJOY!!

  5. Jean Burkhardt on March 27, 2019 at 5:36 am

    Miss Cheoah-how nice to see you enjoying the “spring is in the air feeling”! So happy to see you doing that little zoomie too and that your little brothers ALWAYS watch out for their big sis! Good job boys.

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