Wait! Who Decided It Was Game Over?

Sunrise time at Chez Herd with a rousing game of tag in the yard. Imagine some pup’s surprise when he discovers his sister declared game over.

Wait! Why is it game over?

Wait! Why is it game over?

Landon and Cheoah were romping through the yard yesterday morning, enjoying the dewy grass during sunrise (don’t worry, Hu-Dad cut the grass a couple of hours later). The race ran around the Tree of Life and under and over the picnic table, a raucous play time that our resident youngster thought should never end. So imagine his surprise when Landon spins and looks for his sister, only to discover that she had other plans.

Breakfast time!

Breakfast time!

Yes, Cheoah was racing away from the competition and headed for the porch. What could possibly be happening that would justify such behavior. Only one thing trumps play time around Chez Herd and that is the realization that a meal is being served. Don’t worry, though, Landon caught on quite quickly to the change in plan.



Movie Memory Monday

The Landon and Cheoah games have been ongoing ever since Boom Boom’s arrival here at Chez Herd. He adores his big sister and she loves playing games with him. In this week’s Movie Memory Monday, we take you to an earlier version of Sparring With Cheesewhiz (which includes a special guest appearance by Little Prince Typhoon Phooey).

Click on the image to visit this week’s Movie Memory Monday.


  1. Lori on September 3, 2018 at 10:02 am

    I love those breakfast faces!!! Poor CheeseWhiz doesn’t stand a restful chance with those little brothers!

  2. Sharon Sammons on September 3, 2018 at 8:37 am

    Love the look on his face when he caught on that breakfast was served!

  3. Laura Yager on September 3, 2018 at 7:59 am

    Boom Boom, you should know by now…once you see Cheez’s tail in your face, you should follow!????

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on September 3, 2018 at 6:42 am

    What an adorable story. It took Landon a few minutes but then the realization-(BREAKFAST)-HOORAY!!!

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