Thunderstorm Causes Hurried Business

An afternoon thunderstorm rolled over the mountain ridges throwing our schedules off track, so some hurried business was the end result.

Ugh, it's raining again.

Ugh, it’s raining again.

A daily storm is not a big deal as long as you have planned all of your outdoor activities properly. But when you fail to plan and have some outdoor business that must be taken care of, that’s a real problem.

What do you mean this isn't far enough out?

What do you mean this isn’t far enough out?

Yep, the business Landon needed to take care of required going away from the house. We all agreed on that. And we all agreed on not showing a photograph of that activity. How about we just show the victory lap when business was complete.

Victory lap after hurried business (and Cheoah looks unimpressed).

Movie Memory Monday

We canines can turn anything into a game, but the best toy possible has to be Sticks! And did we have a bunch of them on the ground after a storm had passed. So let’s take you back via Movie Memory Monday and our treasure rich collection of Sticks!

Sticks Blog Title

Just click on the image above to be taken to this week’s Movie Memory Monday!


  1. Juno's mom on June 18, 2018 at 12:16 pm

    Love that tail! He has enough for two doggies.

  2. Lori on June 18, 2018 at 6:54 am

    Oh those thunder storms! I’m so glad you were able to complete your “business” Landon! An dyou even got a victory lap ????

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on June 18, 2018 at 5:47 am

    AAWW Landon-it’s tough that a thunderstorm interfered with your private “business”. Glad you made the victory lap after completing it-lol!!!!

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