Rabbit Radar By Frankie Suave

Our field continues to inundated with bunnies bounding through the grass, so Frankie Suave’s rabbit radar is on high alert.

Rabbit radar engaged

Rabbit radar engaged

Frankie’s observation post is on the deck on the far Southern end, just outside the dining room. He can be found with his chin propped on the deck railing watching all sorts of critters outside our fence, but like his younger brothers – rabbits are the most fascinating. Believe it or not, Hu-Dad was speaking with Frankie throughout these photographs, but Frankie ignored Hu-Dad and focused on bunnies. That’s a good radar operator.

I'm busy, Hu-Dad, come back later.

I’m busy, Hu-Dad, come back later.

Happy Father’s Day

We wish all of the dads out there the happiest of Father’s Days. We thought we would share a post that Hu-Dad wrote as a tribute to his own father just over 7 years ago – A Great Man.

A Great Man – Read by clicking the image.


  1. Jean B Burkhardt on June 17, 2018 at 5:54 am

    AAWW Hu-Dad PLEASE understand that rabbit watching is SERIOUS business for Frankie!!!! I just LOVE the concentration on his face as he watches and surveys the landscape for ANY animal that is NOT smart enough to stay outside-lol

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