We Thrill At Exciting Hu-Dad Work

As working breeds, we Siberian Huskies always admire the exertions of others. Well, maybe we aren’t quite impressed with the exciting Hu-Dad work.

Wow, some more exciting Hu-Dad work in the study.

Wow, some more exciting Hu-Dad work in the study.

Kiska and Qannik enjoy the peace of the senior deck. Cheoah loves the privacy of her picnic table basement. And the boys pile into Hu-Dad’s study to . . . nap. Ok, sorry, but they watch the Hu-Dad clack away on computer keyboards and study computer screens. And then they snooze.

Wake me when something exciting happens.

Wake me when something exciting happens.

So why do the boys hang out in the study if they find it boring? Wonder if it might be the occasional snack that the Hu-Dad gets?

Wake us when the Hu-Dad takes his daily popcorn break.

Wake us when the Hu-Dad takes his daily popcorn break.


  1. Juno's mom on June 19, 2018 at 12:44 pm

    They look pretty happy just to be with you.

  2. Chris on June 19, 2018 at 11:50 am

    Every Saturday in our house is popcorn night. Our family watches a family movie and eat popcorn. Dogs love this time as they get fed with popcorn as we eat it. Good quality family time for everyone.

  3. Lori on June 19, 2018 at 6:39 am

    Everypup loves a good popcorn break ????

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