Herd Security Protection Detail

You might be surprised to discover that certain members of The Herd have their very own security protection detail – we have the photos to prove it.

Agent Boom Boom to Agent Big Bro - Subject in sight.

Agent Boom Boom to Agent Big Bro – Subject in sight.

Yes, you are getting a rare glimpse behind the scenes at the security detail provided to one member of The Herd. When she leaves the porch, her security team positions themselves to watch her every move and be prepared to defend her at any time.

Detail leader has the command.

Detail leader has the command.

And what does our protected subject think of her security detail?

Some protection detail. I have outwrestled every single one of them.

Some protection detail. I have outwrestled every single one of them.

Way Back Wednesday


Looking at the pictures above, many of you probably thought of the nickname, Frankie Suave. He is so nicknamed because his temperament is so even-keeled when dealing with his siblings (not so much when dealing with thunder).

But, unless you have been following us for a very long time, you probably don’t remember that Frankie did have a little bit of an adjustment period fitting into The Herd. This particular story, the moment when we knew the Honeymoon was Over, explains that clearly.

And some pup is quite proud of his handiwork.

Click the image to visit this week’s Way Back Wednesday


  1. KJ Pierson on April 11, 2018 at 9:38 pm

    I remembered that day’s post about Frankie. It surprised me with him doing that as well. I’ve always had a soft spot for him, probably because I had my eyes on him before you adopted him as well 😛 He never made me think he was one for that kind of destruction, my current one…absolutely….Leena would destroy the concrete given the chance and proper motivation (said motivation being anything from ignoring her to leaving the room for more than the allotted “you’ve been gone too long time”)

    But always remember….Frankie likes his nests…and to be fair, you didn’t have proper materials for him to have a nest there. Only a crate pan! 😛

  2. Laura on April 11, 2018 at 10:21 am

    I can picture Boom Boom and Frankie with ear pieces and watches with microphones! Cheoh should feel safe….well a little. Frankie has come a long way. I love it when a new pack member feels secure enough to be themselves????

  3. HokiePack on April 11, 2018 at 6:52 am

    Love the way back Wednesday!! Had not seen that one! Made us LOL

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on April 11, 2018 at 6:03 am

    GOOD job protection detail although I’m NOT sure IF she REALLY appreciates ALL the “security”!!

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