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The Hu-Grandmom visited last night. Cheesewhiz volunteered for the best possible after dinner entertainment – plucking a blowing coat!
Cheoah has decided this would be a good week to blow coat. Her undercoat is always soft a soft, thick, fluffy fur – perfect for plucking. And best of all, Cheese loves the attention during plucking.
So Hu-Dad and Hu-Grandmom sat at the table and talked and plucked and sipped wine. It didn’t take long until the pile of fur was as tall as the wine bottle. Really – we can prove it!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom sez: Ebby is into full “let’s blow coat” mode, too, these days. Mountains and mountains of it. Most days, she’s pretty good at allowing herself to be plucked, but the odd day, when she’s had enough, she gets up and disappears out into the yard. This has been the worst year ever for blowing coat, and we keep telling her she’s losing enough to “build a whole ‘nother Husky”!
I know some spinners who would love to get their hands on that, LOL!
We also pluck the fur with our Akita!!! Quite a fun and addicting game!
A shame Typhoon doesn’t share Cheoah’s tolerance for plucking. (I’ve collected fur for years and am having it spun into yarn to make several things. I found someone who does phenomenal work.)
Typhoon shrieks at the mere concept of being plucked.
Must…pluck….Typhoon. I have a compulsion to pluck him, ever since I first saw him in the rescue lol
WOW, you Puppers have blown out…what twice this year??? Whats your record for blow outs in a summer??? (Inquiring minds want to know.)
Not sure. Hu-Dad says one of us is always blowing coat making it really hard to keep track. Mostly, though, we each just blow coat twice a year.