Disturbing A Saturday Afternoon Nap

Yesterday was rainy and dreary, so perfect for a Cheesewhiz Saturday afternoon nap. Well, perfect except for that annoying disturbance.

A quiet Saturday afternoon nap.

A quiet Saturday afternoon nap.

Poor Cheoah was taking advantage of a rainy day to get some quality nap time on her favorite couch. That would have been a perfect idea except for one minor nuisance.

What is that annoying noise?

What is that annoying noise?

Oh, sure, you are thinking that the culprit was Landon doing his usual racing around the house. Or maybe it was Typhoon being playing his pesky brother role. But, no, in this case, neither one of them was the problem. So who was creating interference?

Hu-Dad, would you stop taking photographs?

Hu-Dad, would you stop taking photographs?

Sorry, Redhead, just capturing a photo of those beautiful eyes.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on May 15, 2017 at 4:36 am

    Mom & Ebby say: Gee whiz, Cheez Whiz, that camera is just EVERYWHERE, isn’t it? Bet you wish the hu-Dad would leave the camera out in the rain, don’t you?

  2. Jan on May 14, 2017 at 7:02 pm

    Your dogs are such patient models. All I get from mine is their tails as they run away from the camera.

  3. Juno's mom on May 14, 2017 at 9:15 am

    Sweet, sweet face on that girl.

  4. Lori on May 14, 2017 at 7:29 am

    Cheoah you’re just to adorable to pass by without taking a snapshot or two ????????

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