Inside Qannik’s Thought Process

Hu-Dad glanced at Qannik and saw that he was day dreaming. Does the Q-Tip want to share some of the mystery of his thought process?

Qannik daydreaming

Qannik daydreaming

Q was so deep into his daydreaming that he did not even notice Hu-Dad pick up the camera and snap the photograph above. In fact, Hu-Dad was able to take several pictures before he seemed to intrude into Q’s mind.

Huh? What?

Huh? What?

Sorry, Q, did not mean to derail the train. Were you solving world peace? Wondering why your younger brothers can be such pests? Or, perhaps, were you just thinking about dinner?

Dinner? Dinner sounds good.

Dinner? Dinner sounds good.


  1. All Things Collie on May 2, 2017 at 10:21 am

    I wonder about what they are thinking…or dreaming, when I see them wagging or running while asleep.

  2. Lori on May 2, 2017 at 7:24 am

    Oh Qannik… you are so beautiful! And I love your dreamy blue eyes…. hugs big fella ????

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