Discussion With A Serious Frankie Suave

Hu-Dad tried to have a chat with the big man himself, but serious Frankie Suave was entirely too busy to be drawn into a discussion.

Just a minute, Hu-Dad.

Just a minute, Hu-Dad.

Frankie has really grown into his role of big brother, mentoring his little brothers as much as either one of them actually will listen. Mr. Brown Eyes still wraps his paws around Hu-Dad’s arm while Hu-Dad reads a book in bed in the evenings, but outside he is the ever vigilant observer.

Excuse me, Hu-Dad, but must check the South Field, too.

Excuse me, Hu-Dad, but must check the South Field, too.

And, yes, he is even trying to teach his younger brothers the serious work of sentry duty. Sometimes, it even sticks.

Landon doing his best to assist while Frankie mans the high ground.

Landon doing his best to assist while Frankie mans the high ground.


  1. Juno's mom on May 3, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    So the wild man is also a snuggler. How cute!

  2. carolyn on May 3, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    I love that Frankie has inched his way into the high position, of sorts. He is a most benevolent ruler, I think.

  3. Lori on May 3, 2017 at 7:31 am

    You are the perfect role model for your brothers Frankie Suave!! You show them how to be vigilant on sentry duty as well as how to chill with hu-dad during reading time. Well done sweet boy!

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