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We are enjoying our spring beach vacation, but it is hot, hot, hot – at least for Siberian Huskies, so we are knocking at the RV door.
During our RV vacations, Hu-Dad likes to take nice, long walks with us. We have never figured out why he likes them so much since we are just too tired to play when we get back, but that makes him smile for some odd reason.
Anyway, the temperatures are in the upper 70’s, which makes it way hot for a bunch of Siberian Huskies. So when we get back from our walks, we want inside the RV . . . to air conditioned comfort! Pardon us for looking just a little impatient.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Izzy the Akita wonders the same kind of thing about those long walks… why all the hype when she’s gotta come home and take a nap!