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It’s our annual spring beach trip (and, yes, we have a winter and fall beach trip, too), so Typhoon decided to do something different. Maybe.
We arrived at James Island County Park just outside of Charleston, SC, for our annual spring beach vacation. Having been cooped up in the S-RV for 7 hours on the drive down, we were ready to take advantage of one of the many paved trails. Hu-Dad muttered something about a little walk in warm, muggy air should bring some quiet, though we aren’t sure since we fell asleep when we got back to the S-RV.
Anyway, Typhoon decided that walking forwards was not enough.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Fun loving Typhoon “walks to the beat of a different drummer”. He loves being a member of the Herd but likes to show that he is unique. They all are beautiful and unique in their own way, he likes it to be obvious. What a character he is. Thank you for sharing them with us. I so look forward to seeing your posts each day.
And the heart of Rusty lives on!
The tangle of leashes looks familiar! I switched to using one leash with a splitter when walking 2 dogs (I often dog-sit friends’ dogs, most are also Husky-crosses) for that same reason, the spin-o-ramas and negotiations for position otherwise created quite a mess.
You are such a silly goof Typhoon!!! A most adorable one too ????????????????