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Between yesterday’s thunderstorms and heavy rains, Hu-Dad claimed he was really tardy with his errands. Which meant we received the late late dinner.
We had rains off and on all day. The heavy winds and loud thunder avoided our area (and Frankie is thankful for that), but we still received nearly an inch of rain. Hu-Dad had some hauling to do in the pickup truck, so he kept waiting for an opportunity to run his errands. And, worse, the pickup truck means we don’t get to go since our limousine is the Jeep Wrangler.
Hu-Dad was running so late that he decided to get his dinner on the way home from his errands. Yes, that means he delayed our dinner until after he had his dinner. Can you believe it? We communicated our discontent as clearly as we could.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Oh no! Complaints are flooding into the Husky Hotline! Queen Natasha says she’s representing her herd in a class action suit. Charges are neglect of a dependent stomach, starvation, tardy dish filling and general discontent…….Hu Dad is in a heap of trouble!!
Mom sez: Hu-Dad, how could you? How could you stand looking at those poor, starving puppies, while you were eating YOUR supper? For shame!
Do you do intermittent fasting? My vet thinks it’s beneficial, especially when activity has been lower.
Oh you poor starving babies! You all look so wan and pale! Where’s the Manager!!!!
Woah! Hu-Dad ate before you?!? I didn’t think that was legal! I would totally file a complaint with the management.
Look at the poor starving huskies! They have such sad eyes 😛