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Hu-Dad went across the valley to Hu-Grandmom’s house last night and was able to visit with the cousins of Herd Annex – Tartok and Ruby.
Ruby and Hu-Dad spent some time laying in the floor playing the paw slap game. Never heard of it? Simple. You face each other and try to put your paw on their paw. Over and over and over. And talk Siberian talk while doing it. Great fun (except for anyone else in the room having to listen to the Siberian talk).
Tartok played the other great game – step in the middle of your sister and Hu-Dad and create a distraction. Woo, that is fun! Especially because you get to hear even more Siberian talk from Ruby.
When Ruby is not playing one of those games, she is supervising all kitchen activities. You know, just in case Hu-Grandmom needs a little help cleaning up any spills. We are a working breed after all.
And, of course, the night ends like it always does – with Tartok going to bed early even though guests were over.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
That sounds like a fun game! We play something similar, called “Get your paws!” It’s silly, but it gets the collies so happy and excited! We also play hide and seek, that is their favorite.
Paw slap IS fun. One of the cat-like qualities I love about huskies. Is Tartok a bit camera shy?
I play a paw game with my husky. It’s more like don’t touch the paw. She doesn’t like her paws touched, but this turns into play time and she seems to enjoy the game.
Hello Cousins of the Herd Annex! So glad you sweethearts had good visits and play time❤️❤️❤️❤️