Patiently Waiting

When we are loading up for a Jeep excursion, the Hu-Dad seems to take an extraordinarily long time to get ready to go. No worries though because we are all patiently waiting for him.

Patiently waiting for the Hu-Dad to be ready to go

About ready to go there, Hu-Dad?

Sure, he has to pack leashes, collars, water, hiking gear, snacks, and other essentials, so we understand it takes some time. None of us would dare to express any sort of impatience about the whole Jeep loading exercise.

Are you ready to go there yet?

Seriously. Are you ready to go there yet, Hu-Dad?

Nope, we are the absolute epitome of patience without the least bit of sighing or exaggerated boredom. None. At all.

Take your time.

I am comfortable here. Take your time.


  1. Zoe on August 17, 2015 at 5:30 am

    I’m surprised he didn’t try to drive the little devil
    Picturing hu dad chancing the jeep typhoon at the wheel with the queen growling directions
    And chez wiz in the back so proud he picked dad’s pockets
    Not that he would ever start trouble!!! Qtip would be singing with the radio while head of security would be urging hu dad on
    Oh and Frankie well his head is out the window a picture of pure joy… Or fear he does know whose driving

  2. Lauren Miller (ZoePhee) on August 17, 2015 at 3:12 am

    That’s awesome that you are so patient! My two are not very patient, lol!

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