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Hu-Dad went across the valley to have dinner with Hu-Grandmom – and he spent some time hanging out with the cousins, Tartok and Ruby, without us. When he returned, we sniffed him thoroughly.
We were concerned that Hu-Dad went over there and played games with our cousins, but he assured us the visit was totally serious and he never would have fun without us.
We know our cousins well enough to doubt that. And we know Hu-Dad and how he likes to play with any dog he meets. So, we seriously doubt the visit was all serious.
So what do you think?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Hu-Dad has been sneaky. Time to go all Spy-Dog on him and see what fun was had!
Painter Pack
Looks like Tartok and Ruby had a suspiciously good time. And maybe Hu-Dad too.
I’m sure he was just conducting a scientific study so that he would be more efficient in his play times and belly rubs
Totally serious and for the good of his sib-herd I’m sure