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Typhoon adores his big brother, Frankie, and follows him everywhere. And, of course, he knows the real purpose of a big brother.
You see, when he picks on his sister for the eleventy-bazillionth time in a day, Typhoon knows that Frankie has his back.
A simpleĀ pounce on his sister and Frankie comes running to help. So awesome how that works.
Oh, no, that isn’t the purpose of a big brother. The purpose of a big brother is to school you constantly in the real ways of the world. For example, just when you think you have things under control . . .
Sorry, Typhoon, Frankie is also Cheesewhiz’s brother.
Thanks to the power of a little grilled chicken shredded in her bowl, we are getting Natasha to eat some of her kibble at each meal. We are feeding her small meals several times a day and that seems to be working.
Step by step!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targetsāus. Her warning was clear.
Haha – those pesky siblings!
Monty and Harlow
Bruce is officially a big brother now. We have adopted a dachshund. Her name is Penny. Yes Bruce in all sense of word is a BIG brother. If I could I would put a picture of them together on the couch to show the size difference. Bruce is a German Shepherd who weighs 95lbs and I was told Penny weighs 8lbs. She is 1 1/2 and really isn’t going to get any bigger. She is going to the vets this morning for shots so I will know exactly how much she weighs. They are starting to play together and she has a great advantage. She can go behind the couch. They are too cute. I hope Natasha has a speedy recovery. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Thank Heaven I only have 2 Sibes to referee for and not six.