Silent Howl

We were exploring some trails when we came across a Christmas light show. Ok, it was the middle of the day and the lights were not turned on, but we still explored the various decorations. During our walk, we came across this silent howl and tried to figure it out.

silent howl

Whoa, this dog doesn’t smell like a dog at all – and he is howling but there is no sound.


But I am a little more concerned about that sign we saw earlier that said alligators might be in these waters.

Ok, sure, we are used to lots of wild animals, but we do not have alligators in the mountains.


  1. siku marie on December 9, 2014 at 11:17 pm

    Are they alligators made of metal and lights? THAT might be sort of cool. Our zoo does a festival of lights and we have a howling Lobo but the White Dog Army does a MUCH better job at the howling part!

  2. Sam on December 9, 2014 at 9:00 am

    I’m glad you clarified that – I was just wondering how far north alligators go…

    Monty and Harlow

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