Supervising the Hu-dad

Normally, Hu-dad has his comfortable study in which to do all of his work, including the creation of our daily blog post. In the RV, he sets up his laptop on the dinette table. As you have seen in our RV setup, that means Cheoah is supervising the Hu-dad from her crate.

getting sleepy

Is your computer work going to take long? I am getting sleepy.

turn the light off

Just turn the light off when you are finished, Hu-dad.

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  1. Zoe Draughon on December 11, 2014 at 7:09 pm

    I’m. Sorry I believe you have misunderstood her look clearly says
    Hu-dad I am beautiful is that really the best picture you can take of me
    Actually I should be running
    Second pic
    You won’t let me yet… Fine then I won’t look happy at all!!!

  2. houndstooth4 on December 10, 2014 at 8:59 am

    We totally understand! A girl needs her beauty sleep, even on vacation!

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