Ruby Tuesday – Being Stalked

Finally, a post from our cousins at The Herd Annex – across the valley at the hu-grandmom’s house. Hu-dad visited with the camera, but apparently they feel they are being stalked for different reasons.

Monitoring kitchen

This may look like Ruby is just casually monitoring activities in the kitchen.


But look carefully (you can click to enlarge) and you will notice that Ruby is watching the hu-dad out of the corner of her eye.

nervous Tartok

Even Tartok is looking a little nervous.


And why is The Herd Annex monitoring the hu-dad so carefully?


Because the hu-dad keeps muttering something about trimming paw hair.


  1. Max's Mom on May 2, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    I cracked up seeing that look out of Ruby’s eyes…that’s priceless!!!

  2. Teddy Westlife on April 30, 2013 at 6:54 pm

    My mum calls those toehawks. She is always raving on about wanting to cut mine but I am not letting her anywhere near me with sharp objects.

  3. Ice 'n Ayla on April 30, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    Ayla sez: Aarrrroooooooooo, me ‘n Ice hate having our “snowshoes” removed two or three times a year, too. Our “Gramma Deb”, out at Debalys Siberians, where we were born, does ours for us, ‘cuz she’s got all the necessary torture tools — barber scissors, and nail clippers. When (my Dad) Ice first came to live with us, he slipped and fell on the laminate floor in the diningroom, and now, he still won’t walk on it, except as far as he can go and still keep his back feet on the livingroom carpet. I’ve learned enough to stay out of the diningroom, too, as soon as my “snowshoes” need trimming, and that’s how the hu-Mom knows it’s time to visit Gramma Deb.

  4. jack & moo on April 30, 2013 at 12:34 pm

    Don’t know why humans can’t leave our precious paws ALONE!
    What, woo don’t like our Yeti feet?

    Jack & Moo

  5. Sage on April 30, 2013 at 11:15 am

    Now look what you did! Mom’s looking at my paws and, yes, they need trimming too. Maybe if I give her the evil eye, she’ll go away!

  6. Lucy on April 30, 2013 at 10:59 am

    Not the paw trimming! We hate having ours trimmed too, but our humans insist on performing this criminal act on us…The Herd Annex is smart to be monitoring any activities around them.

    “And, of course, our experience is those dogs who need paw trimming the most often are exactly the ones with highly sensitive paws who don’t like them being touched.”…..ain’t that the truth.

  7. Kimberly Parker on April 30, 2013 at 1:45 am

    Oh no, not the paw hair! I’m curious–do you trim it so that they will have better traction on the slippery hardwood floors, or for another reason? I’ve never trimmed either of mine’s paw hair, and I’m wondering if I should be.

    • D.K. Wall on April 30, 2013 at 6:29 am

      Three big reasons:

      1) During the winter, ice balls can form around loose hair. So keeping the paw hair trimmed helps to minimize ice balls.

      2) Looser hair works like a paint brush with mud. Keeping the paw hair trimmed makes it easier to wipe mud off of the feet.

      3) Yes, it is easier to walk on wood floors.

      Like anything else, start gently. Lots and lots of holding of paws so that the dog will be comfortable with it. Let him sniff the scissors for a few sessions before even trying to trim. Lay the scissors against the paw, but don’t cut. And, when both of you are ready, trim gently and far from the pad to begin. Much the same as getting a dog used to nail clippers.

      And, of course, our experience is those dogs who need paw trimming the most often are exactly the ones with highly sensitive paws who don’t like them being touched.

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