October Comments and Question

Wooo – we are really trying to make this a regular feature.  So we scanned the October comments and questions and replied to the best ones.

Teddy Bear asked, “Where do all you lovely Sibes slumber?”

We have to keep the humans company, of course, so we all sleep in the bedroom.

Natasha sleeps on the bed since she is the queen.  Though she sometimes plays Miss Independent and goes to sleep on one of the beds on the floor.  She says that is a great spot to play “trip the human” if they get up in the night.

Rusty loves his Ottoman.  Though he has been known to sneak up into bed and under the covers on cold, wintry nights.  We all make fun of the Siberian who does not like to get cold.

The day the chair was bought, Kodiak claimed it as his own personal sleeping spot.  The humans’ vision of having a chair to sit in to read just never materialized.

Qannik is trying more and more to sleep in the bed, but that is totally up to Natasha.  Some days, she thinks he is cute and allows him to hang out with her.  We think she likes her “bling” to be near by.  Other days, he is in the dog house, so to speak.

Kiska and Cheoah are constantly in “crate reform school.”  Once the lights go out, they find amazing ways to create trouble, so they get to sleep in their crates.  They actually like the crates and go straight to them, but have never earned the door open status.


l-r – Kiska, Qannik, Kodiak (in chair), Rusty (on ottoman), Natasha


And now you can see Cheoah, too

Our dad says he really needs to get a good wide angle lens so he can take this as one shot (or learn to use the software to stitch them together), but at least you can click on them to enlarge the pictures.

Tula asked, “How did your hoomans get you all on a dropline AND get you to pose?”


Actually, we love our drop line.  It is our favorite part of S-RVing (well, and the hikes).  In a campground, we love to watch people’s expressions as they walk past our campsite.

Sue of Dream Valley Ranch (a blog you must visit if you have never been there – they have Big Dogs, too) asked, “Have you ever had a loose dog come and cause havoc with the Thundering Herd when they are on the drop line?”

Fortunately, no.  We are only on the drop line when our humans are there with us or just inside the S-RV, so they shoo away anything – dog or other wild critters – that are crazy enough to approach us.  We have wanted to go chase something we have seen, but the drop line prevents that.

Stella asked, “How insistent was the Evil Queen that you bring the Cannon home?”


Queen Natasha is always quite insistent about anything she wants.  Always a lot of fun watching the battle of wills between our Queen and our hu-dad.  Quite the question of who is more stubborn at any given point.

In reference to the bread eating incident and our cousin Ruby, The Op Pack asked, “Did you get caught in the act, Ruby?”


No, there were no witnesses.  But Ruby’s defense was blown this past Saturday night when she came walking into the den while the humans were watching TV – with a big chunk of bread in her mouth.  She proceeded to lay in the floor and eat it before the humans could get to her.

Our favorite cat friend, Huffle, asked, “I’ve never seen the Cheoah slide before. Is that a patented move?”


Yes, it is patented.  But Cheoah gladly lets all of her canine and feline friends try it out on their own without any royalties.  Just be glad Natasha did not patent it or she would demand royalties.

Our pal Bricey of Many Nicknames (and we are hoping their computer issues are solved soon) always has to have fun with his pal Qannik, so asks, “Qannik! The rest of the herd still has white ankles. Are you walking challenged?”


Natasha would like to answer – Qannik is always challenged.  At everything.  But he’s cute.

Our favorite question of the month came from our buddy Maxdog (who has an awesome blog about he and his family in South Africa), “We don’t know you guys that well (Sibes-in-general), so forgive us for asking, but we are genuinely curious…are you guys really ’special needs’ Doggies (as we have heard)?”

Ha-roo-roo-roo.  You have us in Sibe Stitches here, for sure.  Legend has it that we were bred to disobey a musher’s order if we thought it was dangerous.  Thus, we take a human’s command and rationalize whether the command makes sense.  Our human says he can see the little wheels turning in our heads when he tells us to do something, though we do not see any wheels ourselves.  Plus there is that logic skill thing (Natasha can open doors) and the running thing (which explains our Sibe Quentin).  So we certainly consider ourselves special.

Have a question for The Herd?  Go ahead and put it into the comment section and we will answer it.  But we promise not to do it in a predictable time frame because, well, we are Siberians and our entire purpose in life is to be unpredictable.


  1. Teddy Bear on November 5, 2009 at 12:44 am

    Thank you SO much for this posting. I love that you all have your sleeping places. Nordic dogs should never get cold. My sister Sierra gets cold too.

    Teddy Bear

  2. Sue on November 4, 2009 at 11:41 am

    I’m so happy you’ve never had any critters bother the royal herd while on their drop line…what a wonderful set up you have! I feel so special having one of my questions answered 😀
    xoxoxo to the beautiful herd!

  3. Steve and Kat on November 3, 2009 at 9:08 pm

    We both sleep on the bed and sometimes Wilbur too. The other night, Dad said, “There are too many animals in this bed.” Mom said, “Well you can sleep on the floor if you want.” He didn’t want to. See how we have Mom so well trained?


  4. Wild Dingo on November 3, 2009 at 4:08 am

    Is Qannik Natasha’s boy toy? “Other days, he is in the dog house, so to speak.”

    “special needs?” LOL! I only have ONE and I bow down to any who has more than ONE, let alone SIX! (i still think you need a lucky # 7th…) 😉 but where oh where would the 7th sleep?

    what exactly does kiska and cheoah do at night that gets them into trouble that they are in crate reform lock down?

    sigh. tricks are for kids. sibes are for lunatics. 😉

  5. Norwood on November 2, 2009 at 11:33 pm

    Hmmm.. I’m wondering what the sentence was for criminal Rusty the bread snatcher. Hee hee.. crime never pays.. oh scratch that. I think evil natasha might think I’m cute enough to go on the bed. Go ahead. Ask her.

  6. Togo the Dog on November 2, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    Hahahahaha. Mommy is laughing out loud at that wonderful wonderful bedroom scene. She’s always felt that people judge her for sleeping with all 3 furries in the room, and now she feels utterly vindicated. And we each have our spot in the room too!


  7. Jack & Tori on November 2, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Great questions – inquiring Siberian minds really do want to know! However, we’re now officially jealous – our house has a “no sibes on the furniture, including beds” clause. Really quite unfair, don’t woo think?

    a-roos & woos,
    jack n’ tori

  8. Huffle Mawson on November 2, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    It’s okay Rusty. I’m an honorary husky and I don’t like the cold too much either.

    Huffle Mawson

  9. gus, louie and callie on November 2, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    Now we know it all.
    We all sleep with mom and dad too. Mom says she feels like a sandwich most of the time.. We do keep her warm..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  10. Khyra on November 2, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    I’m trying to pikhk my spot fur a sleepover/slumber pawty!

    I’ll start on the bed – near Rusty’s ottoman empire – then I snag a khomfy place on the floor!

    Tank woo fur this KHW&A!


  11. Mochi on November 2, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    You all look so comfy in the bedroom! 🙂

    Hey…I’m the queen of my house and I don’t get to sleep on the bed. I need to talk to someone about that!


  12. The OP Pack on November 2, 2009 at 12:21 pm

    That is a great shot in the bedroom. Now, does Natasha allow the humans to sleep under the covers? She looks way too comfy for such a disruption. And that Cheoah slide looks mighty familiar – we think Dakota had it down to perfection. Thanks for a great post.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  13. the Army of Four on November 2, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    I see nothing wrong with the “sleep under the covers” thing. Really.
    Play bows,

  14. Stella on November 2, 2009 at 11:45 am

    I love the Q&A sessions, Herd! But what I want to talk about is Ruby’s addiction to bread. Yes, its an addiction and a serious one. My Mom had a little mutt who loved bread so much he would sit by the bread drawer (cupboards) with his nose up to the opening and pray that someone would come along and feel sorry for him, giving him a slice, or preferably a loaf! This will probably be next on Ruby’s symptoms, and it will end up with her holding up SubWays for their freshly baked stuff.

    We’ll be watching for her!


  15. Denns the Vizsla on November 2, 2009 at 11:39 am

    That is a GREAT bedroom.

  16. Life With Dogs on November 2, 2009 at 10:47 am

    What a great idea – it’s Monday and school is in session! Might I admit to a little cannon envy? I would have been insistent myself!

  17. zoehuskydog on November 2, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Love the Cheoah slide! I myself have a similar slide, the Zoe slide, which I executed perfectly yesterday in a neighbor’s ravine. Something wonderfully
    smelly (well, wonderful only to me) that was just irresistible. The humans
    thought it warranted a bath immediately.

  18. KB on November 2, 2009 at 10:06 am

    I’m sorry Cheoah, but my dog patented that move a long time ago! My attorney will be contacting your attorney today 🙂

    Ruby and the bread is too funny…

    And, I love the notion of “intelligent disobedience”! I can hear that phrase taking over around here!

  19. Kira on November 2, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Wooos!Herd! Is there any room left for Mom and Dad? Mom, for some reason, is chuckling over “the wheels turning in our heads”….. and Mom also thinks I am Queen Natasha in Florida form!
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  20. Bricey on November 2, 2009 at 9:37 am

    The phrase that the Herd wants to learn is “intelligent disobedience”. In European herding trials, dogs are actually marked down if they don’t think for themselves and show this trait. Also very useful in SAR and service dogs. Or around pillows that must be shaken and killed because they may conspiring to hurt Momma.

    Bricey (who is looking for his own herd of sheep…….for a good round of zoomies)

    p.s. commenting is like chiseling a response in stone but we are still reading

  21. MAXDOG on November 2, 2009 at 5:09 am

    Hello there all you beautiful doggies!
    If that is the end of October, then I can’t wait for the end of November! The questions and the answers were rivetting! Thank you for such an interesting post – and what a good idea too!
    We loved all the sleeping pictures but we are now wondering if you have all orchestrated that the humans sleep in the barn? We must also say that your humans have colour-co-ordinated you all so well – you simply HAVE to sleep in that bedroom – it wouldn’t be complete otherwise!
    Again – it was super getting to know more about you all. Congratulations on a WONDERFUL post!

  22. Maxx on November 2, 2009 at 4:07 am

    Allo! What a great post, me learned more about the Herd, thanks for sharing your beautiful pics and tales! Have a luvly Monday!!


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