Happy Hearts and Happy Sibes

Many of you may remember the contest that Huffle was running.  We had to complete the line “I think happy hearts cookies will help me to…”  Our winning answer was:

We think Happy Hearts Cookies will help us to:
– make Queen Natasha the Evil less Evil
– make Rusty the Rooster even more silly
– make Kiska’s wooly coat even woolier
– make Kodiak’s hugs even sweeter than they already are
– make Qannik more “masculine” so “Bricey” will quit picking on him
– make Cheoah less whiny

Pretty tall orders, huh?  We did love the card that came with the package:


We promise to get better pictures, but The Herd was sampling on the S-RV this weekend (yes, we are out on an adventure) and since they decided 5 am was a nice wake up time, we do not have a lot of light to work with for pictures.  Anyway:


Queen Natasha – Less evil?


Rusty the Rooster – More silly?


Kiska – More wooly?


Kodiak – Sweeter hugs?


Qannik – More masculine?


Cheoah – Less whiny?

For the record, we started off sampling the Sweet Potato Cookies.  Everyone gives them four paws up.  Including the cameraman who is hoping that the cookies will make him be able to make more focused pictures in the future.


  1. Painter Pack on June 14, 2009 at 1:03 am

    OH wonderful!!! Looking forward to all your adventures!!!!


  2. Huffle Mawson on June 13, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    Oh good! You got your cookies AND you like them! Excellent.

    Huffle Mawson

  3. Mochi on June 13, 2009 at 4:03 pm

    Looks like you all enjoyed your cookies!!! Can’t wait to hear about your adventure this weekend!


  4. Stella on June 13, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Those cookies really work. I added on to my statement that I wouldn’t run off anymore if I had Happy Hearts and its been three days and I haven’t!


  5. Teddy Bear on June 13, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    It looks like you all really enjoyed the cookies. What flavor is next for you all?:)

  6. the Army of Four on June 13, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    Oooooh, aren’t the Sweet Potato ones HEAVENLY!?!? I LOVE those ones!!!
    We sure hope you enjoy your Happy Hearts!
    PS: Zimmie and I just don’t get that one about Rusty! He’d fit in very well with the two of us! 🙂

  7. Steve & Kat on June 13, 2009 at 12:10 pm

    I think the answer to all of those questions is YES! Happy Hearts have magical powers.


  8. Khyra on June 13, 2009 at 10:29 am

    Well done Herd!

    Of khourse, I still had almost five more hours to sleep but I’m sure 5am was good!

    My khousin Abby just got her sekhond batch of HH’s! – and her order inkhluded a bag fur my Auntie Di to eat too – my mom spilled the sekhret about how good they are fur humans –

    Happy Adventuring – maybe it will make your adventure MORE adventurous!


  9. The OP Pack on June 13, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Ha roo roooo!!! Aren’t they just so tasty? The camera lady here agrees too.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  10. Princess Eva on June 13, 2009 at 9:13 am

    Rusty wants to be more silly? Is that possible?

    Princess Eva

  11. Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ on June 13, 2009 at 8:12 am

    Well we hope all your wishes come true – and i m not sure but natasha looks very sweet in that pic

    woodrow Swwetie mj

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