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Yep, we are out in the S-RV again this weekend. Have been trying for the past several weekends, but have had lots of rain. But this weekend had a nice sunny forecast, so off we went. And, of course, that meant we had rain last night. Argh!
Anyway, a good walk this morning, breakfast and time to look dignified on our tie-out watching the other campers:
Queen Natasha, always looking regal
Kiska, relaxed with Natasha on guard
Rusty, with the left over right paw cross
Kodiak spreading out
Qannik, amazingly white despite the mud
Cheoah, playing the role of the perpetual puppy, of course!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Great post, and darn good looking Dog, bet he really enjoy’s his hike!
So what do the other campers think of all of you? I bet they think you are pretty cool.
Camping sounds really fun, expecially if there is mud to dig in. Oh wait! We have that right here in our yard!!
HaRoooo! Woo all have some great adventures.
Rusty, we needs to learn you a new paw position. I call it da Biloxi move. Woo lay down wid paws straight out like Kodiak. Den you take your one paw and just bend it in a wittle bit like woo is holding sumthing. It’s furry relaxing. Maw says it’s jest dis cute wittle thing I do. So I thought I’d pass it on to my distant related brudder.
Husky kisses,
Kiska, you’re looking way too relaxed.
Princess Eva
When I do that Kodiak pose, mum and dad call me Super-Huffle!
Huffle Mawson
That camping stuff doesn’t look too bad. Mom said something about only camping in a hotel with room service. That sounded appealing to me as well.
We hope the weather improves for you all. We have had a horrible couple of days here too, rain and dreary weather.
Love the pic’s of you all.
Happy Easter.
Holly & Zac…XX
Camping season already? We’re so envious! You guys look great. Wish we could be there to enjoy it with you. We’d bring s’mores (sans chocolate, of course!).
I love how everyone has their own positions! I would be sitting there like Queen Natasha watching the campers. Cheoah is so cute! 🙂
Go Cheoah. You are the one to emulate. Keep up the good work. I need to work on the crossed paws position. Hope you have no more rain.
Rusty – you look so sweet and innocent there! I’m going to have to study your pose and see if it helps me out. Uh… not that I would have done anything that I need cover for … but you know, just in case! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
I think I’ve khovered all those pawsitions this am!
Tank Woo fur sharing!
It was raining here this morning – and it looks like it is ready to stop!
I did my bestest Princess RainKhloud statue in the yard! It was LOVELY out!