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Remember our Destination last week? And all of the snow we got to play in? Well, we went back and the road was still closed (so we could walk down the middle), but notice that the snow is all gone and the road is wet:
And when we looked out over our view, the clear sky was gone and clouds were everywhere:
So while much of North America is freezing cold, we are warm and wet. Where’s our snow?
P.S. to Ozzie – Glad you enjoyed Kodiak’s picture yesterday, but look closely and you will notice he is wearing a seatbelt, so he can’t jump out the window. And thanks for the award – more on that later this week.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Closed roads are so so good!!! We love it when we own the roads!
Thor and Marco Polo
I do believe your snow is where ours is……still in the clouds.
We’ll share some of our snow with you! Be careful what you wish for!
We hope your snow comes back!!!
Guys and Gals, I totally feel your pain! We just got our second snow today! We will be enjoying the snow and single/below zero temps, cuz in a week it’ll probably be back up to 40. Sometimes the midwest sucks. Hope you get more snow soon!!
Yer Cap’n will try to get snow to you guys Harrrrr.
Cap’n Maverick the Pirate
How is this possible? How can I have snow and you all don’t have any at all? It’s not fair in the least! (I don’t want to give up my snow, but I’ll gladly send you some colder weather… With my skimpy fur, it’s too cold here for me to go out and play like I want to!)
Brown dog kisses,
Hey roo guys! Come on over to our house! It finally hit!
You poor, poor puppies! You need snow! Why are the TV Weather Humans torturing you? They always say what the weather will be like, so why can’t they just say it will be snowy? (Our TV Weather Humans said that tomorrow we will get more snow, so if you want to come over, we have room.)
It is sooooo unfair! I mean, our furiends to the north khould send us half of their khoolness and we’d be happy!
BUT if we are to listen to the weather dweebles, it khould change ‘soon’ –