Walking in the Rain

In a nod to our pal, Khyra, we present Walking Wednesday, except its Saturday, if that makes any sense.  It was a rainy, foggy, cool, dreary Saturday here.  In other words, absolutely perfect Siberian weather. So, we, of course, went hiking.

This is headed back down the trail and the black and white team (left to right, Natasha, Qannik and Kiska showing off her fluffy tail) is trying to catch the red team.  And why is the b&w team so far behind?  Might have something to do with the videographer trying not to get killed while stepping on wet rocks and balancing a video camera while being harnessed to three Sibes who have no problem scrambling over rocks.


And, now, I need to stop editing the blog because The Herd is singing – loudly – that we are wasting a good day on the computer, so off to another trail this Sunday morning. And we are supposed to have sunshine today when the fog burns off!


  1. Steve and Kat on October 2, 2008 at 11:42 am

    It’s so cool you have such great trails for walking. Do you see a lot of squirrels?


  2. The OP Pack on September 29, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Another video we are missing out on but we can just imagine the rainy walk – it is raining here this morning. We are all hoping it stops later so we can get a walk tonight.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  3. Thor and Marco Polo on September 28, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    WOO WOO – What a great walk but we don’t understand how come you couldn’t drag your human up to the front of the race. We never let anyone walk ahead of us! We are the leaders! You just need to drag your human kicking and screaming to the front!
    Hope you had a great walk on Sunday! We thought about you and went to the best place in Iowa where there’s hills and pretended we were in the mountains!

    Thor and Marco Polo

  4. Kayla and Maebe on September 28, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    WOO Thundering Herd! That Kiska sure has a pretty tail! WOO guys sure walk together nice. When I bump Maebe she gets all snippy with me… such a girl dog. Sometimes we walk about 10 feet apart, as far apart as our leashes go and making huMom like a gumby doll.

    WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,

  5. Khyra on September 28, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Furry nice FT akhtion! Howza ’bout Sauntering Saturday? Mom says it is a good thing we watched it now and not whilst she was drinking her AGJ – the was a weavy walk!

    Enjoy your Sunday!


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