Why Siberian Huskies Make Lousy Guard Dogs

The dogs live a very abused life. They live inside the house (or, at least, a part of it). They can come and go out the dog door into a very secure dog run. And survey their land. All I ask they pretend not to be lousy guard dogs.

Today, a repair man had to visit the house. In the process, he had to walk near the dog run. Nikita and Natasha lined up at the end of the dog run to watch him. So what did my vicious guard dogs do?

Nikita thought she had found a play mate. She wooed and play bowed and wagged her tail.

Natasha, however, was very unsure of a stranger in her yard. She started to bark at him (yes, bark – I keep explaining that she should woooo, but it is a pretty weak wooo). As the repair man finished his work, he walked right beside the dog run. Natasha took one last bark, turned and ran as hard as she could inside the house. Once safely inside the dog room, she turned and glared through the window and barked again.

And people wonder why Sibes make lousy guard dogs.


  1. vince porrazzo on May 9, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    My Sibe jumps up on friends or strangers and kisses them. Not exactly a good guard dog action but does discourage strangers from entering.

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