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Video Monday
Amazingly, neither of these videos have anything to do with us except that both were emailed to our hu-dad over the weekend. We wanted to take a moment to share them with you. The first is one of the most creative solutions to a problem we have ever seen. Cheoah may like to swim (Cheoah…
Read Today's Herd StoryEvil Qanievel Fail
Recently, we told you about our own personal daredevil, Evil Qanievel. Well, he has attempted yet more leaps over tremendous canyons, but this time it ended in a crash. Brace yourself for the pictures:
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Queen and Her Subjects
If you are the Queen and some dog, say Kodiak, lays down in your spot, how do you deal with it? Do you ask nicely that they move? Do you find somewhere else to lay down? Or do you just lay down across them and dare them to challenge your rule?
Read Today's Herd StoryFirst Dog Runs of the Season
Our weekend has been absolutely perfect weather-wise, with highs in the 70’s F (~ 21C) and lows in the upper 30’s to low 40’s (4 C). With temperatures like that, we were able to get in our first run of the season Sunday morning. We kept the runs short using mostly 2 dog teams,…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Hu-dad has been Nailed
For those of you not on Facebook or not fans of the great cartoons of Penny Blankenship, you somehow missed the cartoon of our hu-dad. Let’s just say that we think this captures our lives perfectly. Thank you, Penny, you have given us a much needed laugh to start the weekend. ***** *****…
Read Today's Herd Story