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Our weekend has been absolutely perfect weather-wise, with highs in the 70’s F (~ 21C) and lows in the upper 30’s to low 40’s (4 C). With temperatures like that, we were able to get in our first run of the season Sunday morning.
We kept the runs short using mostly 2 dog teams, though we did end with one 4 dog run. Natasha is very good with her gee and haw (right and left), but her highness decides sometimes that actually pulling is beneath her, so it gave Cheoah a chance to prove her skills with a larger team. So, on the four dog team, Cheoah was running lead with Kodiak beside her and Qannik and Rusty in wheel (wheel means right in front of the sled / cart). She did a great job. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed our first runs of the season.

Trailer loaded with scooters and gear and Jeep loaded with dogs. Stop taking pictures, hu-dad, and let's go.
Oh, we load the Jeep because we go to the other side of the ranch to our field to set up for runs because of the long, unpaved roads where we virtually never run into cars.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
WOWZER! How’d i miss THIS? I’m impressed! and here i thought all you guys did was a few walks in the meadows… geesh. you sibes are the REAL DEAL!
The before, the middle and truly the after… looks like so much fun! Me and the Bleu would like to swing by your place and take the Mom for a ride!
You’ve seen our walks. How soft are your ditches?
It’s just a hypothetical question.
wif love from the Luke
Very Interesting! Grammy says she used to have a German Shepherd that used to pull a cart…
You look like you had a lot of fun! 🙂
Buster thinks that looks like so much fun! Are you dogs looking for an apprentice? =)
That was pawesome, right?
I am sure you all enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs
Looks like you all couldn’t be happier that fall is on the way!!!
Oh my I sure bet the dogs were happy to get out for runs again!
How much fun is that!
Very impressive!
Very, very awesome and cool. The picture of the Herd looking out of the back of the jeep was worth them being impatient.
Our human has all the equipment to get us out but has been to lazy to start us pulling, something about having to start to early here in SoCal due to the weather.
I am sure you have checked it out but if not look at (sorry, we are link challenged), that is our local group.
Remy and Flash
They look SO happy pulling during the run. Fun to see Sibes doing what they were bred to do. 🙂
That is awesome, they look so happy!
And a good time was had by all. What a great post.
Question for woo: Would you share the globe I made for you on my advice column with Khyra?
If you get a chance in the next few days, please let me know if you’re getting my comments. I just left you one and again I’m unsure if it went though.
Too much fun!!! I would gladly join you, if you promised not to step on me. And this after a truly spectacular, judging form the photos, Saturday! Wow! We love our hikes, but compared to what we see on this blog . . . nothing this majestic close to our home.
Thank you for the Siberian variation of the Rainbow Bridge. I love learning new things, BUT I’m afraid it’s going to be an issue. It’s cold North of the Rainbow Bridge! Brrr…. Thank you for sharing the link.
Hmmmm, maybe Jack should start learning how to pull a sled as well. Do you have room for an energetic Lab in your pack? 🙂
PS – Yes, the chair lift was to Ghost Town. I just read that it closed this summer!
Now that looks like wicked fun! Cheoah, I can’t help smiling with you! How far do you usually go on those runs?
Such fun you always get to have! Love that big happy smile.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
This reminds me of the old Better than Ezra song that goes “I remember roaching in the wet grass, falling a step behind …” Or something like that.
Don’t know if your comments feature allows links. But if it does, you might want to check out this video of sled dogs pulling a waterskier. Another summer workout idea for the herd?
Cheoah’s grin says it all!
Looks like the hu-dad is hasing a great time being taken fur a ride!
so coooooooooooooooooll
el’bow & hauwii
It seems all of you had so much fun out there!!! what a beautiful weather for the runs!!!
Woo look like woo all had so much fun ~ Cheoah looks like she is a great lead dog and we loved the photo with Snowflake!!!
Team Husky
AWWW goodness you are lucky! We are starting to wind down our scooty season now and Ma has started using the bike instead… isn’t a roll in the damp salad just grand following a fantastical run! Most enjoyable!
That looks awesome! Layla wants to know if you offer any vacation packages?
Very impressive! We know nothing about dog sledding so that was a learning experience for both of us. Don’t you just love the weather? As usual, they are all beautiful!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
I think I need a QTIP after that post!