News / Blog Posts
Behind the Scenes
A little “behind” the scenes view. You can see the header on this website, but thought I would show you the “other” view. This is what I see as we hike down a trail: Left to right – Rusty, Kodiak, Cheoah, Natasha, Qannik, Kiska.
Read Today's Herd StoryOff Leash Dogs
WARNING – The author is climbing onto the soapbox. Yesterday, we tried the Laurel River Trail recommended in the book Best Hikes with Dogs: North Carolina by Karen Chavez. So far, I have found the trails recommended by the book to be good, but was very disappointed yesterday. Not by the trail since it was…
Read Today's Herd StoryRegal Rusty
About a month ago, I posted about the critical job of Alpha Male (second picture into this post) – remaining alert at all times and keeping an eye out for intruders while also not appearing to be stressed out. Today, I once again share Rusty’s amazing ability to stand guard and protect the herd while…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Lone Turkey
For once, I had my camera within reach when I came across wildlife in the road. This turkey stared at me for a few seconds, and then took off across the road just as I took this picture. After getting to the side of the road, much to the delight of the Herd, he hung…
Read Today's Herd StoryClouds in the mountains
Saturday was rainy weather (good – we needed it), but Sunday dawned with clear blue skies. As I said yesterday, we hiked to the top of Waterrock Knob. From the pinnacle, I took this picture. I love watching the low clouds burn off in the valley while the peaks are clear (the opposite of many…
Read Today's Herd StoryDog Fight on Main Street
If you have multiple dogs, sooner or later, you have to deal with a dog fight. I certainly have over the years and have learned a number of techniques to deal with them – both preventative and in the moment. What I have not had to deal with is a fight in public. Until today.…
Read Today's Herd StoryKodiak wants a lap
I have described before Kodi hugs. Kodiak stops whatever he is doing, comes running across the room, slams his head into your chest, wraps his front legs around you, and squeezes. After a few seconds, he releases and runs back off to play. It is very sweet. Today, he added a twist. I was squatting down…
Read Today's Herd StoryClose-ups
It is the lazy, hot days of July (ok, a high of 75 F (24 C) here, but that’s hot for us) so not much is happening here. But we are doing are trails, trying to stay cool, and getting admired by tourists. Well, the dogs are getting admired by tourists. In that spirit, some…
Read Today's Herd StoryHiking in the Rain
You may remember the story Rain Storm about getting caught by surprise in rain on a trail. Well, this is different. We did it on purpose. We got up this morning a little slower than planned and ended up having a late breakfast / early lunch downtown Waynesville at one of our favorite Sunday spots.…
Read Today's Herd StoryRufus Morgan Falls Trail
One of the great things about living in Western North Carolina is the sheer number of waterfalls. Today, we elected to visit one simply because it is a little out of the way and, thus, very likely to have no other hikers. It worked – we did the entire trail without running into anyone until…
Read Today's Herd StoryIt’s good to be the Queen
Queen Natasha the Evil. Royalty. Need I say more.
Read Today's Herd StoryHoming Pigeons
While out over the weekend, we drove past a large sign in a person’s yard advertising, “Homing Pigeons For Sale.” Now The Herd is fascinated with the concept because a Siberian is exactly the opposite of a Homing Pigeon. Release a Siberian and he runs away from home, not towards it. Sibe Quentin was built…
Read Today's Herd Story