News / Blog Posts
Ruby’s counter surfing has been quite constrained lately. Well, her success rate has been diminished. She still surfs, just has not made a score since the “sweet potato” incident of a couple of weeks ago. But that certainly has not slowed her kitchen patrolling instincts. She is, however, seeking help from all of her fellow…
Read Today's Herd StoryInstigating Corrections and Clarifications
Can we explain the title of our post? First – Instigation. Not Instigtation. Let’s spell that again – Instigation. We have learned that WordPress does not conduct spellcheck on titles of post and thus our horribly misspelled title of our blog post – Instigtation. And to make matters worse, we receive an email everytime someone…
Read Today's Herd StoryI Walk the Line
This post is just for our pal, Remington, who told us how he is called The Man in Black. So here is our Johnny Cash tribute –
Read Today's Herd StoryFoggy Saturday Work
Saturday was supposed to start foggy and then clear off for a sunny and warm afternoon. So much for what “they” say. The fog never burned off for us and actually got thicker during the course of the day, except for when we drove into the valley to pick up some supplies. As you can…
Read Today's Herd StoryInstigtation
The Thundering Herd Annex is much like Chez Herd in many ways – there is always someone instigating a game. We caught these pictures last night while over at The Annex. Does this look like your multi-animal house?
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Life
Over at The Thundering Herd Annex, much is made of Ruby’s counter surfing skills and her ability to find trouble. So do you want to see what an incredibly rough life she leads? Tough, huh?
Read Today's Herd StoryMuddy Pups
And exactly how did the dogs get muddy like this? What could they possibly have been doing? The answer is simple – we went for a walk. Yep, that’s it. A walk. The proof is in this video here – P.S. – Yes, this would have worked for Walking Wednesday. In fact, it…
Read Today's Herd StoryDogs of Winterfest – Part 3 – The Working Dogs
We have saved the best for last. The video embedded below shows the ending of the run from Abingdon to Damascus, VA, as well as a couple of pictures of the sled dogs after the run. Watching the dogs come across the finish line is the highlight of the event. As always, a very special…
Read Today's Herd StoryDogs of Winterfest – Part 2
We showed you yesterday the various non-Siberian Huskies we saw Saturday at the Alaska Serum Run Re-enactment hosted by Siberian Husky Assist. Today, Natasha wants to show you all of the Siberian Huskies we saw. Hope you enjoy our second day of the Dogs of Winterfest!
Read Today's Herd StoryDogs of Winterfest – Part 1
As we mentioned yesterday, we went Saturday to the Alaska Serum Run Re-enactment hosted by Siberian Husky Assist. Lots of things to do at the event, but one of the really fun things to do is watch all of the other dogs, as Qannik is showing us. Today, we will share pictures of non-Siberian Huskies (well, some…
Read Today's Herd Story