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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
That’s pretty khool! When dad bought a toolbox, made made him get a Husky brand cause she thought that was khool too.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
wooly cool dad! I like to think they’re chasing me!
happy 500! clink!
That is so cool! I love it!!! π
Pretty snazzy, but it looks like there is only 5 Sibes on it. That’s one too few.
I love it, but my momma’s mumbling something about safety. Hmm, maybe she has a point maybe she doesn’t. Can you see out that window?
Very cool! Hey when I added just the words “very cool”, I got told my comment was too short and I should add some more! Are you trying to build up a word count or something?
That is VERY cool.
That is so neat!!!! I want one — the Doberman version π
Well, he soooo needs one for himself!!!
It’s “ok” I “guess…” it’s missing a 6th tho. so it’s not all that great. right? π
That’s great!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Love it!
Tail wags,
Were there khool mudflaps too?
Very cool! Your hu-dad should get a custom one made out of your header
Chester ;0=)
Cool window! I can see why woor hu-dad liked it!
Maybe your hu-Dad needs to get one for you too:)
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Very cool window!!
I like the truck window too!!!!
For your hu-dad, I have a treadmill for my rehab, just like he did. I got it after my lumbar fusion 4 years ago. But, there’s no danger of me walking too fast on the trails (unlike your dad who must be a speed walker!). I have it in case we get 3 ft of snow… I’m told that walking is absolutely key to recovery, so I’m making sure that I don’t miss a day!
Somebody around here has a truck with a window done up with dolphins.
Wooos! I wonder why, after all he has the real thing!
-Kira the BeaWootiful
Awesome……Just like us!!!!!!!!
Woo Woo,
Kody & Nia
Now that is very cool!
*That* is a cool window. Woooo!
That looks very cool!
Martha & Bailey xxx
nice, furry nice but do be careful…..
I can see why he would
Whoa!!!! That is the COOLEST!!!!
Holly and Khady