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What is in the Shadows?

September 2, 2010 |
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The Rare Kid Who Does Not Respond to The Herd

September 1, 2010 |
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Ruby Tuesday – Sisters in Paw

August 31, 2010 |

The Herd was off camping and never saw their cousins of The Herd Annex this weekend, but, somehow, Sisters in “Paw” Ruby and Kiska decided to share a similar event on Saturday.  Guess it was just that kind of day:

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Camping Zen of Rusty the Rooster

August 30, 2010 |

Walking through scenic spots while camping makes Rusty philosophical, so he wants to share some Philosophies of The Rooster.

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Back at the Campsite

August 29, 2010 |
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Cheesewhiz RV Face

RV Face

August 28, 2010 |

The Cheoah RV Face — The face our little redhead makes as we drive down the road in the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle).

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Wind in my Hair

August 27, 2010 |
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August 26, 2010 |
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Water is Flowing

August 25, 2010 |

Yes, yes, yes – we have water flowing in the house again.  All of us are thrilled beyond belief.  The problem was incredibly complex and took days to decipher.  Ok, well, that might be half right.  It did take days to decipher.  We will tell the whole story with a few pictures thrown in for…

Read Today's Herd Story

Ruby Tuesday – The Good Children

August 24, 2010 |

As a side note to these pictures, Miss Ruby is quite pleased to announce that there was an attempted counter surfing incident and she was NOT involved.  Shrimp-ka-bobs were being made and a red headed Sibe was being closely monitored.  But Mr. Goody Four Paws, Tartok himself, was overcome with the smells and was caught…

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A Berry Good Weekend

August 23, 2010 |

The weather was beautiful Sunday.  The rains from Saturday had passed and the temperatures were very pleasant.  So we spent the day outdoors and hiking on trails.  The Herd will attest that the black and blue berries are terrific at the moment. *****     *****     *****     *****     *****…

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Water from the Sky

August 22, 2010 |

With the weekend upon us, no work crews showed up to solve our indoor water problems.  We are becoming quite efficient at moving water from the well to the house, so we are doing fine.  So the best way to get away from problems like this is to hit the trails.  Just one problem.  We…

Read Today's Herd Story