News / Blog Posts
Dog Sled Training Videos Finally Posted
Yes, we finally were able to convince the hu-dad to break out the video editing software and edit a short video of some of our sled training runs from this past weekend. He made sure to get a short clip of each one of us running, a clip of the 4 dog team pulling a…
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Relaxation Techniques
While our cousins over at Chez Herd are out running sleds and hiking trails, we here at The Herd Annex enjoy our daily walks, but are really experts at napping. And as the evenings cool, we have each found our perfect sleeping spots to capitalize on this cool fall air. ***** ***** …
Read Today's Herd StoryWaiting for My Turn
We were able to run again Sunday morning and, yes, we will have video later this week. What – we are making you wait? How cruel, right? Well, the hu-dad believes we should be willing to wait on things – dinner, getting in or out of the Jeep, waiting to run on the sled. Yes,…
Read Today's Herd StoryPost Run
The weather has been perfect this weekend, so, yes, we were able to get out Saturday morning with scooters, ganglines and harnesses and run The Herd. We do have some video captured and will post it just as soon as we have a chance to edit it together. In the meantime, here are a couple…
Read Today's Herd StoryFinally Some Running Time
This picture was a couple of weeks ago, but you get the idea. We loaded the trailer last night and will load the Herd before dawn Saturday morning. Finally, the weather will be cool enough again to get some running in. See you on the trails! ***** ***** ***** …
Read Today's Herd StoryCatching Up
Hoping for a great weekend of enjoying the outdoors. Hope your weekend is great, too.
Read Today's Herd StoryFall Colors Safety Tip
We love the fall colors as much as anyone and know that many people come and vacation in our area to enjoy the fall beauty. We love the people that we meet from all over the world who spend time here (as far away as Adelaide, Australia – a great conversation in a small sandwich…
Read Today's Herd StorySmile of the Weekend
We could tell you all about our weekend – the beautiful cool weather, the sunny skies, the clear views for miles, the fun of hiking trails, etc. But, sometimes, words are not really enough. Does this picture sum up our weekend?
Read Today's Herd StoryRise and Shine
A tip of our hat to our friends K, R and KB over at Romping and Rolling in the Rockies. Get better K. We have our paws crossed for a full recovery. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Yesterday, our friends over at Wandering Spirits Kennels lost not…
Read Today's Herd StoryEnough Beach; Back to Mountains
We are glad that everyone has enjoyed our beach vacation pictures (as much as we enjoyed the R&R time). But, now, it is time to return to our mountains and enjoy what October in the mountains means: ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Read Today's Herd Story